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La uvea It is the middle layer of the eye that is formed by the iris, ciliary body and choroid.

It is also the part of the eye that contains more blood vessels and, as a consequence, is more sensitive to infectious and inflammatory processes.

La uveitis is inflammation of the uvea and, despite the fact that it is a relatively frequent ocular pathology, it is very dangerous. 

En Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We explain what uveitis is, what its causes are, what symptoms it presents and what is the most recommended treatment. 


Definition of uveitis

The iris, choroid, and ciliary body make up the uvea, the middle layer of the eye and which contains the largest number of blood capillaries in the ocular structure.

On the other hand, uveitis is inflammation of the uvea and it can affect the retina, sclera and other vital structures of the eyeball. 

Since this disease often affects the function of the retina, if uveitis is not treated in time, it can cause a loss of vision irreversible.

Types of Uveitis

The types of uveitis are: 

  • Anterior uveitis. Consists of the inflammation of the front part of the eye which affects only the iris and is called iritis. This process is associated with autoimmune diseases, is usually unilateral and has a higher incidence in healthy middle-aged people. This type of uveitis is the most common of the three. 
  • Posterior uveitis. It affects the back of the uvea, where the choroid, the layer of blood vessels, and the connective tissue of the middle part of the eye are located. This type of uveitis is called choroiditis and, if it compromises the retina, it is called chorioretinitis
  • Paris planitis. This inflammation affects the narrow part, flat pair, which is located between the iris and the choroid. However, intermediate uveitis is not usually associated with other diseases. Pars planitis has a higher incidence in men. 


The uvea is the part of the eye with the most blood vessels, a characteristic that makes it more susceptible to inflammatory and infectious processes.

Now, uveitis is one of the eye infections that develop as a consequence of other diseases of the body not related to the ocular structure. 

The main causes of uveitis are: 

  • Autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis. 
  • Contact with toxic substances
  • Arthritis, psoriasis, sarcoidosis, and Kawasaki disease
  • Eye infections
  • Infectious diseases like toxoplasmosis 
  • Trauma


The most common symptoms of uveitis are: 


Because uveitis is one of the main causes of blindness in the world, many people wonder if it has a cure, the answer is that it will depend largely on the cause, type and degree of inflammation. 

Early diagnosis and treatment of uveitis are key to preventing vision loss. The treatment of uveitis in its early stages consists of administering steroid and mydriatric drops to reduce inflammation and pain. Oral steroids may also be prescribed to treat uveitis. immunosuppressive drugs to help inhibit the response of the immune system. 

When uveitis is caused by a generalized infection, it will be necessary to prescribe oral antibiotics and anti-inflammatories.

If you present any of the symptoms mentioned above, do not hesitate to contact us. In Área Oftalmológica Avanzada we have the best professionals in the treatment and diagnosis of uveitis. Call us!

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Find out what uveitis is, what its causes are, what symptoms it has and what is the most recommended treatment.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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