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La binocular vision is the capacity of visual system to integrate two images and convert them into one. Tropias are a binocular alteration that causes temporary or permanent deviation of the visual axes and affects the fusion of images. 

Trophies are commonly classified according to the direction in which the ocular axes deviate and their permanence. In Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We explain below what tropias are and how they are treated.


What are tropes? 

Trophies are an alteration of the binocular vision that causes the deviation of the ocular axes, preventing the eyes from focusing at the same time on a certain point. Tropias is a medical term to refer to the squint

When the visual system focuses on an object, the two eyes must be aligned so that the brain can convert two images into one. In patients with strabismus or tropias this is impossible, since one or both axes are skewed towards a certain direction: inwards, outwards, upwards or downwards. 

The specific cause of the tropias or strabismus is unknown. What we do know is that the child is usually born with the condition or develops it during the first years of age. The a family history of strabismus are considered an important risk factor, therefore, children with strabismic parents are more predisposed to developing this condition. 

How are they classified? 

There are many ways to classify the tropics. Among all, the most common is to classify them according to the direction in which the ocular axis deviates and the permanence of it, let's see: 

  • exotropia: The deviation of the ocular axis is outward.
  • esotropia: the deviation of the ocular axis is inwards. 
  • Hypertropia: the deviation of the ocular axis is upward.
  • Hypotropia: the deviation of the ocular axis is down. 

All types of troops can be constant or intermittent. 

How to detect tropics? 

Tropias can be diagnosed through a complete examination of the eye structure. In the event of an ocular deviation, the ophthalmologist may request the occlusion test, which consists of repeatedly covering and uncovering the ocular structures while the patient is staring at an object. Eye movement during this test can tell the ophthalmologist if you are in the presence of a forums or a tropy.  


The tropias must be treated when they appear and against before better, to prevent them from becoming a major problem during adulthood. Currently there are several alternatives to correct strabismus, the most common are: 

  • NOT deviated eye occlusion to strengthen extrinsic muscles of the affected eye and stimulate its correct visual alignment. 
  • When strabismus is associated with a refractive defect, they are prescribed glasses for vision and the deviation is corrected immediately. 
  • Visual therapy to strengthen the eye muscles and promote their correct mobility. 
  • Strabismus operation to tense or weaken the eye muscles and achieve alignment of the axes. The tropic surgery it is considered an option when the other treatments have not been successful. This procedure offers an aesthetic correction, so if the patient presents a refractive defect in the vision we will correct it through the use of glasses or contact lenses or, if the patient is of legal age, through a laser refractive surgery.

En Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We will help you and advise you on any type of tropia or strabismus that you suffer from and, thus, treat it in the best possible way.

Article name
Trophies are another alteration of the binocular vision that causes the deviation of the ocular axes, preventing the eyes from focusing at the same time on a certain point.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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Squint, strabismus
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