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Trabeculotomy is a drainage surgery that is performed to decrease the level of Intraocular pressure in order to treat the glaucoma.

This intervention is recommended when the glaucoma is in an advanced stage and the medication treatment does not provide the expected results.

It is also a process used to treat both the open angle glaucoma such as angle-closure glaucoma.

En Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We explain what trabeculotomy consists of and what its possible risks are. 


Trabeculotomy definition

El glaucoma It is an eye disease whose main characteristic is the high intraocular pressure that progressively damages the optic nerve.

As glaucoma treatment we have different surgical techniques and one of them is trabeculotomy. The trabeculectomy is a surgery that consists of creating an opening that allows the drainage of the aqueous humor without using conventional drainage channels, also known as trabecular meshwork.

The purpose we seek when performing this surgery is to drain the aqueous humor to reduce intraocular pressure levels and protect the optic nerve in order to avoid a loss of vision of the patient. 

When it's made?

Trabeculotomy is a surgical technique whose objective is to reduce intraocular pressure to correct the open angle glaucoma and angle-closure glaucoma. Therefore, we can affirm that trabeculectomy is performed when intraocular pressure is high.

Similarly, the ophthalmologist can subject the patient to this surgery if he is not responding positively to treatment with laser or hypotensive drugs and the disease continues to progress. 

Exams prior to surgery

Before performing a trabeculotomy, the ophthalmologist needs to thoroughly examine the ocular structure and determine if you are a candidate for glaucoma operation.

During the examination prior to surgery, the specialist will carry out the following explorations:

Trabeculotomy intervention

The glaucoma operation using the trabeculectomy technique consists of removing a piece of tissue in the drainage angle of the eye to create a opening.

This opening allows drain aqueous humor without using the blocked channels of the trabecular meshwork. 

When the liquid begins to drain, a ampfiltration pot at the junction of the sclera with the iris. It should be noted that the success of the surgery depends, to a large extent, on this ampfilter pot. 

  • Before the surgery. Surgery can be done to treat glaucoma alone or combined with a cataract surgery
  • After surgery. In most cases, the person goes home the same day of the intervention. We protect the operated eye with a bandage during the first night and an eye protector must be used to sleep during the first month after surgery. In addition, the glaucomatologist may indicate the application of ocular antibiotics and corticosteroids, as well as regular check-ups at the office. 

Possible risks

Trabeculotomy is a procedure very effective, but, like any surgical intervention, it suggests some risks. Possible complications that may occur after glaucoma operation are: 

  • Scar tissue formation in the drain opening. 
  • Malfunction of ampfiltration pot
  • eye bleeding
  • Blurred vision.
  • Sudden loss of central vision.
  • Infection
  • elevated intraocular pressure.

En Área Oftalmológica Avanzada we have the best experts in Barcelona to perform a trabeculotomy. If you have any vision problem, do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to help you!

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Learn now about what a trabeculotomy is, what it is and what its possible risks are.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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