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Biofeedback is a tool that helps the patient to change physiological and automated activities in order to improve their health and quality of life. There are different types of biofeedback, and one of the best known is that applied by psychology to treat anxiety and depression. But did you know that there is an ocular biofeedback? 

En Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We explain below what visual therapy with Biofeedback consists of and what it is used for.

tactile biofeedback

What is it?

The term ocular biofeedback encompasses those mechanisms that help the patient to become aware of when they are using their eyes correctly or not. They are tools that are used in exercises of visual therapy guided by optometrists and ophthalmologists. These visual therapies may have various objectives, such as improving a amblyopia (lazy eye) o normalize accommodation (focus) or binocularity.

Initially, a multitude of signals that provide sensory biofeedback will be provided or included in the exercises. As the patient acquires precision and awareness of the work of his eyes, progressively and gradually, we will decrease these help mechanisms until we get the patient to do it without any type of stimulus.


There are visual skills that people use automatically, without thinking about it, such as accommodation or convergence. With the intention of improving or correcting them, it is very important that the patient becomes aware of how their visual system he is acting, so that in his day to day he can correct himself. These mechanisms can be auditory or visual.

In patients with oculomotor disorders, such as squint or nistagmus, During the visual rehabilitation process, auditory biofeedback can be used. It consists of sending a light to each ocular structure and reproducing a very low frequency sound when the eye is misaligned to correct the position of the eyes.

In other therapies it is very important to control the sharpness of the image and to control the accommodative response that occurs. Therapy relying on the aid of auditory biofeedback also facilitates stimulating the visual acuity

In therapies aimed at improving visual skills in sport, multiple sensory biofeedback systems are also used.

The intention of biofeedback is to create a central footprint and generate an automatism so that the eye progressively corrects itself.


Biofeedback consists of different techniques that make it possible for the patient to be aware of functions of his body that he does not normally perceive, such as heart rate or blood pressure. This information is obtained through visual and auditory stimuli. 

Depending on the physiological system that you want to attend to, biofeedback can be classified into the following types: 

  • Biofeedback for somatic nervous system responses through an electromyogram.
  • Biofeedback for autonomic nervous system responses.
  • Biofeedback for central nervous system responses through an electroencephalogram.

En Área Oftalmológica Avanzada we have the best professionals to perform biofeedback therapies. Visit us without obligation and we will advise you in the best way!

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Biofeedback is a modern technique that helps the patient to change physiological activities in order to improve their health and quality of life.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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