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Sjörgen syndrome is an autoimmune disease that affects the tear-producing glands and saliva, causing in turn ocular dryness and buccal. In addition, it is usually accompanied by other diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.

Sjörgen syndrome can be contracted at any age. However, most cases occur in people over 40 years of age.

En Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We explain what Sjörgen syndrome is, what its causes are, what symptoms it has and the most recommended treatment.  

sjorgen's syndrome

Definition of Sjörgen syndrome

Autoimmune diseases are pathologies that take place when the immune system act by mistake attacking parts of his own body.

El Sjörgen syndrome is a disorder in which the immune system destroys the glands that produce tear and saliva. This causes dry eyes and also in the mouth. In the same way, It can also cause dryness in other organs that need moisture such as the nose, throat and skin..

In the most severe cases, this syndrome it can also affect to the functioning of other parts of the body as the kidneys, lungs, Joints, jitters and digestive organs


The main cause of Sjörgen syndrome is unknown.So, until now, it is not known what can cause errors in the immune system.

That said, the disease usually affects people between 40 and 50 years of age, and is very rare in children

The latest research shows that the probability of suffering Sjörgen syndrome varies by genes, but a triggering factor such as a virus or infection.


The main symptoms of Sjörgen syndrome are:

  • Eye dryness: It can cause burning, itching or sensation of having a foreign body inside the eye. 
  • Dry mouth: Produces the sensation of having a mouth full of cotton. Difficulty swallowing and speaking.

Some people with Sjörgen syndrome may experience:

  • Joint pain and stiffness. 
  • Inflammation of the salivary gland.
  • Rashes.
  • Dry cough.
  • Vaginal dryness.
  • Chronic Fatigue.


Sjörgen's syndrome there is no cure. Bill treatment of this disease is focused on relieving symptoms and offer a better quality of life to the patient.

The treatment of can include: 

  • Use of artificial tears, eye drops and ointments for dry eyes. 
  • Use of tiny tear plugs in tear drainage ducts so that the tear stays longer in the ocular structure. 
  • Antirheumatic drug use disease modifiers.
  • Using mouthwash for the replacement of minerals in the teeth.
  • Drink a lot of water to keep the mouth hydrated. 

Possible complications

The most common risks of Sjörgen syndrome are the following:

  • Due to the lack of saliva, people are more likely to have cavities.
  • Patients with dry syndrome have increased risk of oral thrush. It is an infection that occurs due to the presence of fungus in the mouth.
  • Dry eyes can produce sensitivity to light, blurred vision, and corneal damage

Other complications that may occur less frequently are: 

  • Pneumonia, bronchitis, liver cirrhosis, and hepatitis
  • Cancer in the lymph nodes
  • Numbness, burning, or tingling in the hands and feet. 

If you have any of the symptoms mentioned above, contact our professionals Área Oftalmológica Avanzada and make an appointment. We will be happy to help you!

Sjorgen's syndrome
Article name
Sjorgen's syndrome
Find out what Sjörgen syndrome is, its causes, its symptoms and what is the most recommended treatment.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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