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Retinography is a diagnostic test used by ophthalmologists to obtain a detailed picture of the fundus and the retina.

This kind of photography of the eyeball allows examining important areas of the eye for vision, such as taint and the optical disk.

En Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We explain below what is a retinography and what pathologies can be diagnosed with this ophthalmological test.

What is a retinography?

Retinography is a medical test that involves dilating the pupil of the patient in order to obtain a detailed picture of the deepest parts of the eye.

This test aims to study the blood circulation of the retina and the optic nerve, and allows to obtain a color photograph of the inside of the eye to be able to observe in detail the retina.

It may happen that the results of the retinography show an opaque image, which will allow the doctor to obtain valuable information about the patient's eye.

How is a retinography done?

To perform a retinography is not necessary to use anesthesia, the patient can be awake during the entire procedure.

On the day of the test, upon arriving at the doctor's office, the doctor applies an eye drop to dilate the pupil and then proceeds to perform the exam.

Retinography is carried out with a retinographer, which is the medical team responsible for taking color photography of the fundus of the eye. The retinographer has a camera to take pictures and records the images on the doctor's computer.

If the patient has previously undergone retinography, the doctor must compare the previous images with the new photograph.

The pupils can remain dilated for several hours. For this reason, it is recommended that the patient go to the examination with someone, wear sunglasses and do not drive.

The side effects of dilated retinography of pupil are:

Today there are very modern (non-mydriatic) retinographs that can record sharp and detailed images of the retina without the need to dilate the pupil. This test is known as non-mydriatic retinography.

There are also retinographs of campo ampThey offer images of the peripheral area of ​​the retina.

When is a retinography recommended?

Retinography allows us to examine very important parts of the retina, such as the optic disk and the macula.

The optical disk is the part of the eye where the optic nerve penetrates. The retinography allows to know if the patients with high intraocular tension They present some of the fibers that make up the dead nerve and, therefore, suffer from loss of vision.

This test allows diagnosing pathologies such as glaucoma.

The macula is located behind the retina and is considered the part of the eye with the greatest visual acuity. Thanks to the retinography, it can be diagnosed macular degeneration, a condition that progressively deteriorates the macula until it causes loss of central vision.

Retinography also helps diagnose:

Retinography makes it possible to quickly and effectively prevent and diagnose damage to the retina and the optic nerve in order to treat any lesion early.

Do you want to perform a review? Request an appointment with our specialists Área Oftalmológica Avanzada, we will be happy to welcome you!

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Do you want to know what a retinography is and how this test is performed? Find out all the pathologies that can be detected.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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