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OSDI test

El Dry eye syndrome It is a condition caused by the deficiency of the tear or the poor quality of it.

The OSDI test is a diagnostic instrument that was created especially to measure the severity and classify the syndrome of Dry Eye from their symptoms.  

En Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We explain what the OSDI test is, when it is recommended and what are the questions it contains. 

What is the OSDI test?

The OSDI test (Ocular Surface Disease Index) is a fairly simple test that allows the severity and classification of dry eye syndrome to be detected based on its symptoms. 

This test consists of asking the patient a series of questions about his ocular symptoms.

Depending on the answers obtained, a score is calculated that classifies the level of dryness that the person experiences. 

When is it recommended to take an OSDI test?

Dry eye syndrome is a chronic condition that significantly compromises a person's quality of life. Lack of hydration on the ocular surface can cause bothersome symptoms such as dry eye related irritationburning pain photophobia and feeling of having a foreign body in the eye. 

In the presence of any symptoms of dry eye, it is important to go to the ophthalmologist for a thorough check-up of the ocular structure and meibomian glands.

During the dry eye review, it is very likely that the ophthalmologist will perform an OSDI test. 

The OSDI test is also used to track the people diagnosed with dry eye syndrome and check if the condition has worsened or responded favorably to the treatment.

Dry Eye Test Questions

The OSDI test is made up of three blocks.

In each block, the questions aim to determine the frequency of certain symptoms and the degree of difficulty in performing certain tasks.

To answer, the patient must indicate one of the following options to each of the subpoints of each question: 

  • At all times.
  • Almost at all times.
  • 50% of the time.
  • Rarely.
  • In any moment.  

The question blocks are: 

1 Have you experienced any of the following changes during the last week?

  • Sensitivity to light
  • Grit sensation.
  • Eye pain
  • Blurry vision.
  • Bad vision.

2 Have you had eye problems that have limited or prevented you from taking any of the following actions during the last week?

  • Read.
  • Driving at night
  • To work with a computer.
  • Watch TV.

3 Have you felt discomfort in your eyes in any of the following situations during the last week?

  • Wind.
  • In dry areas
  • In places with air conditioning.

OSDI test score

The calculation of the results of the dry eye test is done at the moment and the score will indicate to the doctor the degree of ocular dryness experienced by the patient.

A score of 100 indicates that the patient is totally disabled and has symptoms “all the time”.

On the contrary, the 0 score determines that there is no disability.

We can classify the results of the OSDI test as follows according to the score obtained:

  • Score between 0 and 13 points: The eye dryness test is considered normal. 
  • Score between 14 and 22 points: The patient's dry eye condition is mild or moderate.
  • More than 22 points: Dry eye syndrome is considered elevated or severe.

If you have any questions or need to take an OSDI test, contact us. In Área Oftalmológica Avanzada we will be happy to assist you. 

OSDI test
Article name
OSDI test
The OSDI test is a simple ophthalmological test that allows you to classify eye dryness. We tell you what it is about and how it is scored.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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