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Tumors are masses that form in the body, whose cells grow abnormally without any physiological function. Any tissue in the eye can develop a eye tumor at a certain time and without prior notice. 

These lesions can be benign or malignant and, if not treated early, can spread to other parts of the eye and body. In Área Oftalmológica Avanzada we explain what they are ocular tumors and what are the symptoms of this eye cancer. 

ocular tumors

What are eye tumors?

Ocular tumors are masses that can form in different tissues of the eye and their cells grow abnormally and uncontrollably. These can be benign or malignant and can appear at any time of life in the Eyelids, orbit, choroid, conjunctiva or the retina.

All tumors of the eye must be carefully studied by an ophthalmology specialist to determine their severity and ensure the well-being of the patient's visual system. 

Types of ocular melanoma

Eye tumors can appear in different places outside and inside the eye. The melanoma It is a malignant intraocular tumor that can form in various tissues of the eye, but it is more common to appear in the choroid. 

The types of eye tumors are: 

Palpebral tumor

They are quite common and can appear as a lump and be confused with other conditions, such as styes. Almost always, eyelid tumors are benign, but they can also be malignant and if so, they must be treated immediately because they tend to spread quickly to other parts of the eye

eye tumor

Tumors that can form in the eye usually affect the retina, choroid, and conjunctiva. These are: 

  • Melanoma: is a very aggressive eye cancer that usually spreads rapidly inside and outside the eye. Melanoma is better known as a skin cancer than an eye cancer. 
  • Retinoblastoma: it is a most common malignant tumor in childhood. The ideal is to diagnose it in its initial stage, since it is very aggressive.  
  • Choroidal hemangioma: it is a benign tumor that develops very quickly and aggressively. The growth of this lesion affects the functioning of the optic nerve and the taint retinal. Therefore, it can significantly compromise the patient's vision.

orbital tumor

They are very diverse tumors that originate in the cavity where the eyeball is located. These are very rare and are usually very serious. 

eye cancer symptoms

The symptoms of eye cancer depend on the area where the tumor is located. Most of these lesions cause symptoms when they are already very advanced or when their growth affects the functioning of the macula and the optic nerve. 

Causes of ocular melanoma

One of the main risk factors for melanoma is unprotected sun exposure, especially in people with light-colored eyes. Other eye tumors can be hereditary or form from other diseases or injuries in another part of the body. 


Ocular tumors cannot be prevented, hence the importance of an early diagnosis. The best way to take care of your eye and visual health is by going to your ophthalmologic review annual.

En Área Oftalmológica Avanzada we have the best professionals in the diagnosis of ocular tumors. If you want an eye exam with one of our experts, do not hesitate to ask us for an appointment. We will attend to you immediately!

Eye tumors
Article name
Eye tumors
Ocular tumors are masses that can form in different tissues of the eye and their cells grow abnormally and uncontrollably.
Name of the editor
Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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ocular melanoma, eye cancer, eye tumor
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