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There are different types of refractive errors, and myopia is one of the most common. This condition causes the person to see blurry objects that are far away.

Myopia can be caused by factors such as genetics, diseases such as diabetes, use of digital screens and the consumption of toxic substances. 

This vision defect can be corrected through the use of glasses or contact lenses.

It also can treat myopia with a laser operation.

En Área Oftalmológica Avanzada we explain below what exactly myopia is and how to correct it. 

What is myopia?

La myopia It is a refractive defect that causes a person to see objects that are far away blurred. This condition occurs because the image is formed in front of the retina and not about it. 

Myopia occurs because the eyeball is much longer than normal or because the cornea It has a very pronounced curvature.

There are genetic, biological, environmental and toxic factors that make a person more prone to suffer myopia. 

How is myopia measured?

To measure and know if myopia exists, the ophthalmologist has different methods that range from advanced to simple diagnostic instruments. Something common among them is that the methods to measure myopia are painless and quick to carry out in the office.

To evaluate the condition of the myopic eye and the curvature of the cornea, different tests are used, the most common are: 

When is it recommended to take the myopia test?

In the presence of any symptom of myopia it is necessary to carry out the pertinent tests for its diagnosis.

It usually manifests as follows: 

  • Difficulty to see from afar.
  • Headache.
  • Visual fatigue.
  • Need to bring objects closer to see correctly.
  • Lighten your eyes to see from afar. 

How is myopia corrected?

Myopia can be corrected through the use of glasses, contact lenses and laser refractive surgery. The more diopters the patient has, the greater the thickness of the corrective lens to be used. 

If a person wants to permanently correct myopia, the ideal will be to evaluate the ocular structure to determine if they are a candidate for refractive surgery.

There are several surgery options to correct myopia: 

  • La surgery Lasik It is the most used to correct myopia. This method consists in shaping the curvature of the cornea through an Excimer laser.
  • FemtoLasik It is a type of refractive surgery and is the most modern surgical technique to treat myopia. It is the same as Lasik but the flap is cut by a femtosecond laser instead of manually as in the Lasik.
  • It also can correct myopia implanting an intraocular lens between iris and crystalline to offer a much sharper vision. 

Who does myopia affect?

It can affect anyone, but there are some risk factors that increase the chance of developing this refractive error

  • Myopia can be inherited from parents to children
  • Some diseases like diabetes. 
  • Working in places with poor lighting increases the risk of suffering from it. 
  • Excessive use of digital displays can also increase the risk.

Do you think you can suffer myopia? Come as soon as possible to Área Oftalmológica Avanzada to make a diagnosis. We will gladly assist you!

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Myopia is a refractive defect that makes the person see blurry objects that are far away. We tell you his symptoms and diagnostic form.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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