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The Keratograph 5M is the surveyor more advanced today. It allows performing a host of high quality diagnostic tests, such as meibography.

Thanks to this instrument, the team of Área Oftalmológica Avanzada has the latest technology to carry out advanced studies, which allow diagnosing and classifying, among other conditions, the Dry eye syndrome.

The Keratograph is the best ally to carry out topographies and make a correct follow-up to the dry eye treatment.

What is the Keratograph?

The Keratograph is a corneal topographer that has a high density camera and a lighting system that allows studying the ocular surface and palpebral dynamics.

The main use of the Keratograph is diagnose the dry eye and monitor their treatment.

However, the technology of this tool also allows performing advanced topographies, thanks to the fact that it contains a placid disk.

What tests are done with the Keratograph 5M?

With a Keratograph we can perform different tests that allow us to analyze the quality of the tear, its production and its quantity.

Next, we mention the tests that are performed with a Keratograph 5M.


Meibography is the most modern test to diagnose Dry Eye and examine the Meibomian glands.

Meibography is performed by folding the eyelid upward and projecting infrared light onto it. During the exam, the number, anatomy, appearance, and atrophy of the meibomian glands can be evaluated.

tear meniscus

It consists of taking a photograph of the lacrimal meniscus, an area where the lacrimal production located in the palpebral free zone is generated and accumulated.

The Keratograph 5M allows to classify if the meniscus is high or low and offers information on the distribution of the tear film on the surface of the eye.


Using the placid disk and the use of white light, the Keratograph 5M is capable of performing interferometry. Interferometry is used to measure the lipid pattern of the tear film.

This test lets you know how thick the lipid layer is.

Lipid layer

The lipid layer is the superficial part of the tear that allows to humidify the eye and makes us not have to constantly blink.

Through Keratograhp you can examine the quantity and quality of the lipid layer to know if it is normal, very thin or excessively thick.

Dynamics of the tear film

This test allows us to determine the tear film break time (BUT).

The BUT helps the ophthalmologist know how much time elapses from when the blink is made until the tear film breaks and a dry area appears in the cornea.

If the tear is unstable, the BUT yields low results.


This test is done to measure bulbar, nasal and temporal redness.

To do this, a photograph is taken and the Keratograph classifies the image between grade zero and grade four.

When is it advisable to perform a Keratograph?

Your ophthalmologist will recommend using the Keratograph whenever you need to diagnose and classify dry eye syndrome.

Once the patient is diagnosed, he will have to undergo several tests throughout his life to determine if the dry eye treatment is being effective.

El dry eye treatment with pulsed light o radiofrequency They are the ones that are mostly analyzed with Keratograph and provide better results for their follow-up.

You have doubts? Contact us and our team of professionals Área Oftalmológica Avanzada he will solve them as soon as possible.

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A Keratograph is a powerful corneal topographer that allows to diagnose and track the dry eye.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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