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El glaucoma It is a common problem that occurs especially in adulthood. Its main consequence at an advanced level is the damage of the optic nerve, sometimes caused by increased Intraocular pressure. Additionally, it can cause irreversible damage to the fibers over time.

En Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We are going to talk to you about GDx, which is a test through which we can detect the glaucoma to make a diagnosis of the disease as soon as possible.

gdx ophthalmology

What is the GDx?

GDx or laser scanning polarimetry consists of an exploration technique through which the thickness of the neuroretinal fiber layer (RNFL) is measured in the papilla and in the peripapillary area.

It is a method based on the polarizing properties of the microtbules that contain the axons and make up the layer of neuroretinal fibers. In addition, it is responsible for calculating the thickness of the same as a result of variations in the state of polarization in a laser light, projecting above the retina.

This allows a quantitative study that can be reproduced with the RNFL thickness level in general and in the peripapillary area in particular. This is because the distribution of fibers through parallel bundles, which is typical in this part, correlates with histopathological measurements.

La cornea and also the crystalline (this to a lesser extent) are capable, in a certain way, of polarizing light, as well as its delay, which has to be neutralized.

How does GDx work in ophthalmology?

Through this test, an analysis of the retina is made that lasts around a second, creating a map that details the thickness of the retinal layer and the nerve fibers of the central retina. In particular, it is detailed in the area around the optic nerve.

The change in polarity of the light rays allows this image to be achieved, and this will change according to the degree of thickness of the layer of retinal nerve fibers.

In addition, together with the quantification of the real thickness, this test allows a statistical analysis that determines to what extent each point of the retina is damaged.

For all these reasons, the GDX technique in ophthalmology offers the possibility of considerably improving the follow-up of patients suffering from glaucoma.

What is the purpose of polarimetry?

Using the GDx laser scanning polarimeter, the aim is to differentiate those cases in which the eyes present a normal state and those with a glaucomatous state. This allows us to be more precise when diagnosing glaucoma.

If you suspect that you may have glaucoma, do not hesitate to contact us. In Área Oftalmológica Avanzada we are experts in the diagnosis and treatment of this disease through GDx.

GDx in ophthalmology
Article name
GDx in ophthalmology
GDx or laser scanning polarimetry consists of an exploration technique through which the thickness of the neuroretinal fiber layer (RNFL) is measured in the papilla and in the peripapillary area.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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