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The eye fundus examination allows the ophthalmologist to observe, in detail, the posterior segment of the eye.

This test allows to detect a series of pathologies, study their evolution and indicate the correct treatment. It is one of the techniques used to diagnose, for example, cases of glaucoma

La retina, taint and optic nerve are some of the structures of the ocular posterior segment that can be examined with a fundus examination.

En Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We explain below what a fundus test is and what pathologies it detects. 

What is an eye fundus test?

A fundus test is performed to study in detail the structures that make up the posterior segment of the eye: the macula, the blood vessels, the retina, the optic nerve and the vitreous humor

To perform this test it is necessary to dilate the pupil through the administration of special eye drops for this purpose.

With the dilated pupil, the ophthalmologist can easily see the inside of the eyeball through an instrument called ophthalmoscope.

The ophthalmoscope is an instrument made up of mirrors and crystals that illuminate the retina without the light reflecting on it. There is the indirect ophthalmoscope, which allows you to examine each eye separately, and the direct ophthalmoscope that allows you to examine both eyes at the same time.

How is the fundus exam done?

The fundus test is performed on both children and adults, and is a quick and simple procedure. Before beginning the examination, the doctor will apply the drops to dilate the pupil in the eye and wait a few minutes while they take effect. 

At the time of the exam, the office lights will go out so that the doctor can correctly see the different parts of the eye. Most ophthalmologists use an indirect ophthalmoscope, so one eye will be studied first and the other later.

During the exam the person remains seated and the specialist asks him to fix his gaze on a certain point without blinking. 

Once the ophthalmologist performs the fundus test, the patient can resume his normal life, although he will have distorted vision for as long as the pupil remains dilated

What pathologies does the eye fundus test detect?

The fundus test is performed to diagnose any condition that attacks the structures of the posterior segment of the eye, such as:


It is a disease that causes progressive damage to the optic nerve due to a constant increased intraocular pressure. Bill glaucoma does not have a definitive cure, although through glaucoma surgery We can greatly mitigate its consequences. This pathology is one of the main causes of vision loss in the world. 

Diabetic retinopathy 

This condition causes damage to the retinal blood vessels and generates Sight loss in a progressive way. People who suffer diabetes with consistently elevated blood glucose levels are more likely to develop Diabetic retinopathy

Macular degeneration 

It is a condition that occurs over the years due to damage to blood vessels that supply the macula. The DMAE It is one of the main causes of blindness in the elderly. 

Optic neuritis 

La optic neuritis it is the inflammation of the optic nerve commonly caused by conditions of the immune system such as multiple sclerosis or by contact with toxic substances.

A detailed examination of the eye structures is essential to ensure the proper functioning of the eye. In Área Oftalmológica Avanzada You will find the most qualified specialists to perform a fundus examination. Get in contact with us!

Fundus of the eye
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Fundus of the eye
The fundus test allows you to examine the back of the eye to detect different pathologies.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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