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Laser technology is used in refractive surgery to correct visual defects such as myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism. Today, technological advances have made it possible to offer ophthalmologists a more precise, accurate, safe and predictable laser technology to treat vision defects: the femtosecond laser. This laser is the best option to make perfect incisions, previously analyzed by the doctor, and with a lower percentage of risk for the patient.

En Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We are pioneers in the application of femtosecond lasers. Therefore, we explain what this technology consists of and what its benefits are.  

What is the Femtosecond Laser?

The femtosecond laser is the laser most precise that currently exists to perform refractive surgery, treatment of keratoconus y cataract surgery. This laser has revolutionized ophthalmology thanks to the accuracy and speed with which it works, as it allows incisions to be made using infrared light with pulses so short that they are measured in femtoseconds. One femtosecond is equal to the millionth of a second. The femtosecond laser makes a minimal incision, producing a disruption in the cells of the cornea.

femtosecond laser

In addition, the laser, before being applied, is programmed by the ophthalmologist. Therefore, the risk of miscutting tissue is much lower with the femtosecond laser than with the surgeon's hand. The femtosecond laser has allowed refractive surgery to be 100% performed with laser, because, instead of a cut with a blade, layers of tissue are separated with a laser to then apply the excimer laser that will correct the refractive error, this technique is known What FemtoLasik

In which cases is it used?

Unlike other surgeries, such as PRK or Lasik, this new femtosecond laser refractive technique is used to correct refractive vision defects, intracorneal ring surgery for keratoconus, as well as the cornea transplant. The femtosecond laser can also be used for surgeries crystalline, As the Cataracts and presbyopia surgery

Benefits of the Femtosecond Laser

The femtosecond laser has not only changed the way refractive surgery is performed, but also offers improvements in the patient's recovery and postoperative period. The femtosecond laser benefits they are related to their speed and precision in making incisions instead of cuts. Let's see: 

  • The femtosecond laser performs more precise incisions and exact that reduces the risk of infections and incorrect cuts in the tissue. 
  • the surgery of astigmatism with femtosecond laser offers a better visual quality to the patient. 
  • Femtosecond laser lens surgery and cataract surgery allow the intraocular lens stay better positioned
  • people with a thin cornea can undergo femtosecond laser refractive surgery. 
  • Since the femtosecond laser does not cut tissue, the recovery after Femtolasik after surgery is much faster y less painful for the patient. 
  • The accuracy of the femtosecond laser decreases the risk that the patient must undergo corrective surgeries in the future
  • La femtosecond laser cataract surgery has a much shorter duration than with conventional techniques. 
  • Precision in cataract surgery is 10 times higher if the femtosecond laser technique is used. 
  • Patients treated with femtosecond laser have lower risk of wearing glasses or contact lenses after refractive surgery. 

En Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We have the most modern equipment to perform femtosecond laser ophthalmological surgeries. If you are thinking of correcting your vision, do not hesitate to contact us and ask us. We will wait for you!

Femtosecond laser
Article name
Femtosecond laser
The femtosecond laser is the most precise laser currently available for performing refractive and cataract surgeries.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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