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Evoked potentials is a diagnostic test that studies the functions of the sensory system through known stimuli that cause neurophysiological responses.

The evoked potential test is a non-invasive procedure that allows to diagnose silent diseases of the sensory conduction system. 

Next, in Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We explain what the evoked potential test consists of. Keep reading!

evoked potentials

What are evoked potentials?

Evoked potentials is a diagnostic test that allows to evaluate the functioning of the central nervous system, more specifically the brain electrical activity.

Through auditory, visual or somatosensory stimuli, and the recording of the responses they cause in the brain, it is possible to know how the brain is working. sensory system of a person. 

However, in order to obtain a diagnosis through evoked potentials, it is necessary to assess the responses of the brain, and for this it is necessary to send hundreds of sensory stimuli to perform a series of averages to obtain the results. 

The test of evoked potentials is a very important diagnostic tool, since it will allow us to diagnose if the patient suffers from a demyelination, which is the damage of myelin, the layer that covers the nerves of the human body.    

Types of Evoked Potentials

The types of evoked potentials are: 

  • Sensory. They help measure the neurophysiological response of the nervous system to a sensory stimulus.
  • Engines. Muscle response to stimulation of the central nervous system.
  • Reflexes. Motor response of a muscle to sensory stimulation. 

There are different sensory stimuli that are used to perform the test of evoked potentials. Let's know what they are: 

Visual Evoked Potentials 

The visual evoked potential (VEP) test is used to diagnose problems in the optic nerve.

To do this, the patient must observe a screen where they appear black and white squares, similar to a checkerboard. 

Auditory Evoked Potentials

The auditory evoked potential test (AEP) allows diagnosing problems associated with hearing.

During this test, electrodes are placed on the scalp and near the ears that emit auditory stimuli.  

Somatosensory Evoked Potentials

The PESS detects problems related to spinal cord, which may be causing numbness in the arms and legs.

The electrodes emit electrical stimuli and are placed on various parts, such as the wrists and knees. 

What is the test of evoked potentials?

Evoked potential testing may be prescribed to evaluate vision-related problems in young children, in patients with optic nerve problems, and to detect brain tumors or multiple sclerosis.

This is quite a test simple and painless which consists of placing several electrodes on the scalp, ears, neck, spine and any other area of ​​the body where necessary. 

Once the electrodes are placed, they will begin to send visual stimuli, auditory, or somatosensory to elicit the desired response.

After the test, it is necessary to evaluate all the responses of the brain to the various stimuli in order to offer a definitive result. 

En Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We are experts in performing diagnostic tests for the visual system. Contact us if you need to perform an evoked potential test or any other ophthalmological study. We will wait for you! 

Evoked potentials
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Evoked potentials
Find out what the evoked potential test is and what it consists of. We also explain the different types there are.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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