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The epicantus are vertical and bilateral skin folds that form from the upper or lower eyelid to the medial canthus. Epicantus is quite common during childhood and causes the eyes to take on a false appearance of visual deviation, as if the person has a convergence problem. 

The epicanthus is more common in the Asian breed and tends to disappear on its own over the years. In Área Oftalmológica Avanzada we explain what epicantus is and when to go to the ophthalmologist. 


What is the epicanthus?

The epicanthus is the formation of skin folds in the Eyelids that extend to the medial canthus. These skin folds are quite normal in childhood and are more common in children and Asian people. 

In patients with epicanthus the light reflex is centered in both pupils. However, the eyes give off a false appearance of visual deviation or phoria which may be similar to that of patients with pseudoendotropia or with convergent pseudostrabismus

This false appearance is generated by the epicanthus folds, which attract visual attention to the areas of the sclera that are near the nasal side of the cornea. In this way, the folds give the feeling that the child is squinting or turning one eye away, especially when using side vision. 

Epicantus is not a disease, it is a temporary condition that usually disappears on its own over the years, when the nasal bridge is more prominent and displaces the skin folds.  

Why does it occur? 

The epicantus is a congenital anomaly, in other words, is present from birth. This condition is not a disease, it is a temporary trait that, as we mentioned earlier, disappears during growth. 

Newborn eyes should be examined by a pediatric ophthalmologist from birth. If the baby has epicantus, it is important to examine the ocular structures to determine that the light is reflected in the center of the pupils. If so, any convergence problems are ruled out. 

It can also happen that a child with epicantus develops squint or other convergence problem as it grows. Therefore, we reiterate the importance of going to the ophthalmologist, examining the child's eyes and thus ruling out or diagnosing any visual deviation problem in time. 

It is important for newborns with epicantus to be examined by a pediatric ophthalmologist as many children with strabismus or other convergence problems may also present epicanthic folds. 

Does your child have epicantus folds? In Área Oftalmológica Avanzada we have the best pediatric ophthalmologists, for this reason we urge you to schedule an appointment with one of our specialists. We are delighted to assist you.

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The epicanthus is the formation of skin folds on the eyelids that extend to the medial canthus.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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Epicantal fold, epicantal fold
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