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La diplopia It is the visual alteration that occurs when the person sees two images of the same object, either vertically, horizontally or diagonally depending on the direction in which the duplicate image is formed. Diplopia is known as double vision of images and it is not a disease, it is a symptom that is associated with various eye conditions such as astigmatism or keratoconus

En Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We explain below what diplopia is, its causes and treatment. 


What is diplopia?

Diplopia is a vision disorder that causes a person to see the same object twice. The double vision It can occur vertically, horizontally or obliquely depending on the direction and can appear in one or both eyes at the same time. 


There are two types of diplopia: 

  • Binocular diplopia: affects both eyes at the same time and is usually caused by a visual alignment problem that directly affects the binocular vision. The images you get from the visual system are not blurry and tampfew are observed superimposed. 
  • Monocular diplopia: affects only one eye and the double vision disappears when the affected eye is covered. Monocular vision does not disappear when looking in different directions. 

Causes of double vision

The causes of monocular diplopia are:

  • El astigmatism It is a refractive defect that is characterized by causing blurred vision at any distance. This defect can also cause diplopia or double vision. 
  • El keratoconus is the progressive thinning of the cornea that causes a series of visual alterations among which the double vision of the images stands out.
  • El pterygium is the thickening of the conjunctiva, the transparent membrane that covers the white of the eye. This thickening can spread to the cornea and cause double vision. 
  • La cataract is the opacity of crystalline that affects the entire population from 65 years of age. 
  • Some diseases of the retina they can also cause diplopia. 

Causes of binocular double vision:

  • El squint is the deviation from visual alignment that affects the binocular vision and it can cause double vision. 
  • Damage to extrinsic muscles of the eye or in the nerves that control the movement of these muscles. 
  • Diseases such as myasthenia gravis they can trigger vision problems like diplopia. 
  • Diabetes and eye trauma are also linked to causes of binocular double vision.


Double vision is a very obvious symptom and a frequent reason for visiting the ophthalmologist. To diagnose its cause, it is necessary to carry out a complete examination of the ocular structure, which may include: 

  • Study and measurement of gaze positions to detect a possible squint.
  • Study of the motility of the eyes to know the functioning of the extrinsic muscles. 
  • Other tests like tomography or blood tests. 

Double vision treatment

El treatment of diplopia it depends on its origin. Vision defects such as astigmatism can be corrected through glasses or refractive surgery. The Cataracts They can also be treated through a cataract surgery, through a procedure in which the lens is replaced by an intraocular lens. 

The treatment of strabismus can contemplate different options, such as visual therapy, corrective glasses and strabismus surgery to achieve eye alignment.

As we have seen, diplopia is a very common alteration that can cause bad experiences. Visit Área Oftalmológica Avanzada to have the best experts in diplopia.

Article name
Diplopia is the visual alteration that occurs when the person sees two images of the same object, either vertically, horizontally or diagonally depending on the direction in which the duplicate image is formed.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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Double vision
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