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ciliary body

The ciliary body is a ring-shaped eye structure that lies between the choroid and iris. It is one of the three parts of what is known as uvea, the vascular layer that lies below the sclera.

The ciliary body is responsible for producing the aqueous humor, the liquid that nourishes and keeps the entire ocular structure oxygenated. It is also essential for the crystalline carry out the accommodative process correctly.

Find out below everything about the ciliary body in Área Oftalmológica Avanzada.

What is the ciliary body of the eye?

The ciliary body is a kind of circular ring that makes up the uvea together with the iris and the choroids. The uvea, meanwhile, is the vascular and pigmented layer found in the middle of the eye, below the sclera. 

The ciliary body is responsible for producing the aqueous humor and giving the correct lens shape at all times to accommodate vision during focusing.

What parts form it?

The ciliary body is made up of two structures: 

  • The ciliary muscle: circular and longitudinal fibers that help adapt vision. 
  • The ciliary processes: They contain capillaries that are responsible for secreting aqueous humor.

What is the ciliary body for?

The ciliary body performs two very important functions in the ocular structure, the first of which is the production of aqueous humor that keeps the eye oxygenated.

This liquid is found in the anterior chamber of the eye and is essential to hydrate the cornea and the lens, parts of the eye that have no blood supply.

Likewise, the production and drainage of aqueous humor must be balanced so that the Intraocular pressure Stay stable

The second function of the ciliary body is to modify the shape of the lens to achieve correct accommodation and visual focus of images at any distance.

The lens is a kind of elastic lens that "adapts" its shape so that the eye can focus images correctly. With the passage of time, the lens loses its elasticity and as a consequence appears the presbyopia.

Related diseases

Among the most common diseases associated with the ciliary body are the glaucoma and uveitis.

En Área Oftalmológica Avanzada we are experts in eye health, if you have any questions about the ciliary body or its functioning, do not hesitate to contact us: we will be happy to assist you!

Ciliary Body
Article name
Ciliary Body
The ciliary body is one of the parts of the eye made up of two structures: the muscle and the ciliary processes.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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