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When looking at an object, we can notice that our eyes are able to observe the whole environment at the same time without the need to gaze fixedly towards the sides or upwards. It is what we know as campor visual

the campimetry is the diagnostic technique used to examine the campor visual and diagnose conditions associated with it, such as glaucoma.

En Área Oftalmológica Avanzada we explain below what is the campimetry.

What is a campimetry?

the campimetry is a test that is done to analyze the campor visual of the patient.

This analysis is essential to detect and keep track of the evolution of a glaucoma, and to diagnose diseases that affect the campor visual, at optic nerve or that can compromise the visual acuity of the person.

The campor visual is all that we can see when we look at an object, even in the peripheral areas, where the vision is usually less clear.

the campimetry allows to determine ocular faults in the retina and the optic nerve that may be limiting the campor sight of a person.

Types of campimetry

After the ophthalmologist analyzes the patient, there are several techniques to perform the test. Next, we list the most common.

  • Campimetry by confrontation: It is the most primitive. During the test, the patient sits in front of the doctor while the specialist moves an object to determine if the patient perceives it correctly. If the patient can not observe the object, it is considered to have some limitation in the campor visual
  • CampDynamic imetry: It is carried out with a campmeter that emits lights at the same intensity and movement. The patient sits in front of the equipment with one eye closed and should tell the doctor when to observe the lights and when not.
  • Campcomputerized immetry: to perform the campComputerized imaging is necessary to use a computerampmuch more modern, which offers the ophthalmologist more accurate and reliable data on the degree of peripheral vision loss.

How do you make a campimetry?

Currently, the best campimetrías are computerized and are performed with aampmodern meter.

The test consists of sitting the patient in front of theampmeter with one eye closed. The device emits halos of light static, and of varied intensity, in different parts of the eye. The patient must press a button each time he perceives the light.

Thanks to the c softwareampmeter, the doctor can obtain a detailed report of the patient's ability to visualize the entireampor visual

The test is painless, examines each eye separately and presents no risk to the patient's health.

the campimetría is not recommended in children or in elderly people, since it is a test that suggests the active participation of the patient.

Likewise, the results of the campImetrics are reliable if the person has problems in their mood or suffers from fatigue.

When is a campor sight?

the campImetry is a test that is recommended whenever you suspect that the person is having some type of vision loss.

However, to support the interpretation of aampimetría, it is important to perform more tests that determine the cause of the decrease inampor visual

Some diseases associated with loss of sight are:

If you think your vision is diminishing and you need a campimetría, contact us at Área Oftalmológica Avanzada so that our team of ophthalmologists analyze your case and rule out major diseases through a campor visual

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One Campimetría is a medical test performed to detect diseases in the campor visual What is it? What types are there?
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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Campor visual
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