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La retina It is the transparent and light-sensitive tissue on which images are projected. However, some diseases can affect its functioning and significantly impair vision. 

Today, hypertension is considered one of the most damaging risk factors that exist for our visual health.

En Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We explain what hypertensive retinopathy is, what are its causes, its symptoms and which treatment is the most recommended. 

Definition of hypertensive retinopathy

Hypertensive retinopathy

La Hypertensive retinopathy It is a disease that occurs in the blood vessels of the retina y which derives from high blood pressure. High blood pressure is a cardiac pathology It can affect different parts of our body, including the retina.

When blood pressure is high, the retinal blood vessels constrict, causing exudative vascular changes, papilledema, and endothelial necrosis. 

Types of hypertensive retinopathy

Hypertensive retinopathy can be classified as follows:

  • Chronic hypertensive retinopathy. People suffering from this disorder can be asymptomatic. To identify chronic hypertensive retinopathy, we can see, in the eye examination of fundus, a decrease in the thickness of the blood vessels, pathological arteriovenous crosses and saccular dilations in the wall of the same.
  • acute hypertensive retina. This retinopathy is associated with hypertension caused by diseases such as eclampsia or preeclampsia. In addition, it is characterized by causing blurred vision and being a transient ailment. 


Blood pressure is the force with which the blood hits the walls of the arteries. Thus, when the blood pressure reading is equal to or greater than 140/90mmHgThis person is considered to have high blood pressure. 

Hypertensive retinopathy is caused by the Hypertension, a disease that is also considered a risk factor for other retinal diseases such as retinal artery occlusion and Diabetic retinopathy.


Hypertensive retinopathy does not usually cause symptoms until the disease is in an advanced stage. Similarly, most people who suffer from this disease are diagnosed during a routine fundus examination, which is part of the control of hypertension. 

Patients with advanced hypertensive retinopathy may present blurred vision, decreased visual acuity and, in some cases, loss of vision. In very severe cases of chronic hypertensive retinopathy, there may be flame hemorrhages y cottony exudates.

Treatment of hypertensive retinopathy

Treatment of hypertensive retinopathy consists of keep blood pressure levels under control. When the pressure is kept elevated for a long time, the risk of the retinal vessels being affected increases. 

To control high blood pressure, you need to make lifestyle changes. Keep a healthy nutrition It is essential to care for the health of the heart and avoid heart problems such as heart attacks.

The diet of a hypertensive person should be low in salt and fat. In addition, it is also recommended to maintain a healthy weight and decrease the consumption of tobacco and alcoholic beverages.

La physical activity plays a very important role in the treatment of high blood pressure. Practicing one hour of cardiovascular exercise a day increases cardiac resistance and improves cardiovascular health.

However, sometimes, changes in habits are not enough and the patient must consume antihypertensive drugs and diuretics

En Área Oftalmológica Avanzada we are experts in the diagnosis of hypertensive retinopathy. Make an appointment with one of our specialists and get an eye exam. We are delighted to assist you!

Hypertensive retinopathy
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Hypertensive retinopathy
Find out what hypertensive retinopathy is, what its causes are, its symptoms and which treatment is the most recommended.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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