
La lasik surgery is the technique of refractive surgery most used to correct vision defects, such as myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism.

The Lasik operation is simple, safe and painless, and aims to shape the curvature of the cornea to allow the light to project properly on the retina. 


La lasik surgery is the technique of refractive surgery most used to correct vision defects, such as myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism.

The Lasik operation is simple, safe and painless, and aims to shape the curvature of the cornea to allow the light to project properly on the retina. 

What is Lasik surgery?

Surgery Lasik is the procedure currently most used to correct definitely refractive defects such as myopia, farsightedness and / or astigmatism.

The Lasik operation is carried out with a special instrument known as microkeratome, which performs an automatic cut in the cornea so that the specialist can mold the tissue using the excimer laser. During Lasik surgery you get modify any irregularities present in the cornea or in its curvature, in order to ensure that the light entering the eye is projected correctly on the retina. In most cases, surgery lasts 15 minutes approximately, and the procedure is completely painless and safe.

Lasik technique offers many and advantages In relation to other refractive surgeries, some of them are:

  • Is procedure more has used in the world to correct vision defects.
  • It's a surgery accurate, successful y safe.
  • Allows quickly recover visual acuity.
  • El postoperative it is enough simple and the results can be noticed at 24 hours.

Who can be operated?

Lasik surgery is a procedure that is indicated for people 18 over years with some refractive defect, such as myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism.

Surgery can only be done in people whose eyeball has completed its development stage, because this is the only way to guarantee that there will be no increase in graduation after the operation.

To know if a person is a candidate for Lasik surgery or not, you should attend a first ophthalmologic consultation. In this consultation, the ophthalmologist specialist will thoroughly study the ocular structure to make sure there is no impediment To perform the operation.

People who for some reason cannot undergo Lasik surgery have other alternatives like Lasek surgery, laser surgery PRK and surgery to implant phakic intraocular lenses. Generally, it will be the ophthalmologist who determines the best procedure for the patient.

To undergo a Lasik operation you must meet the following requirements:

  • Having more than 18 years.
  • Ownmbas healthy eye structures.
  • Present one stable prescription for more than a year.
  • Having an stable myopia. Myopia usually continues to progress until 30 years of age.
  • Having good health. Lasik surgery is not recommended for people with diabetes, arthritis, lupus, glaucoma, liver infections and cataracts.

What does it treat?

Surgery Lasik eliminates the graduation of the different refractive errors such as myopia, hyperopia I astigmatism.

It is important to highlight that by means of this technique we can treat each one of them separately or eliminate the graduation of all of them in the same surgical session.


Myopia is a refractive error that occurs when a person sees distant objects blurry but can see nearby objects correctly.

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Farsightedness manifests itself when a person cannot see objects that are close by clearly but can see those that are at a certain distance.

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Astigmatism occurs when the surface of the cornea is irregular. Resembling the wavy mirrors of amusement parks.

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How is the operation?

The Lasik technique to correct refractive defects is a fairly simple procedure. The surgery is performed under the effects of Anesthesia local and it's from outpatient type.

At the beginning of the operation, the ophthalmologist will make a small incision in the cornea with the use of a microkeratome, with the aim of creating a very thin lamella of tissue (cornea). Once the cut has been made, also known as flap, the doctor proceeds to apply exciter laser in the stroma. This laser removes tiny amounts of cornea to mold the fabric and correct anomalies in its curvature.

If the person is myopic, the laser will be used to flatten the cornea, but if it is farsighted, the laser will sculpt a csteep line. In the cases of astigmatism, laser will improve the irregular shape of the tissue

Subsequently, the doctor proceeds to place the corneal lamella in place, and the cornea will heal on its own.



El postoperative Lasik surgery it is one of the simplest. After surgery, the patient can go home with an eye patch to protect the corneal flap. It is important that the patient is accompanied, since you will not be able to drive after surgery until the doctor assesses visual acuity the next day. After Lasik surgery, the patient may experience:

  • Un little opacity in the campor visual o blurred vision, but as the hours go by the vision will become clearer and clearer.
  • Itching and burning.
  • Sensation of having a foreign body inside the eye.

The vision changes will be apparent the next day of the operation. Nevertheless, the vision will continue to improve as the days go by. It is advisable wait a couple of days after surgery to go to work. It is important avoid any dynamic activity or exercise for at least a week, y also rub our eyes.

How long until full recovery?

La total recovery It will depend exclusively on the state of eye health of each patient and the visual adaptation of each person. Full recovery usually occurs the next day, but we always recommend a couple of days of rest to prevent the patient from straining their eyes too much. 

Use of makeup after Lasik

The use of lotions, makeup or any cosmetic product should be avoided within 2 or 3 weeks after Lasik surgery.

Use of contact lenses after Lasik operation

After Lasik surgery, patients often enjoy 20/20 or 100% visionwithout the need to wear glasses or contact lenses. Therefore, once the refractive error has been corrected, it will not be necessary to continue using the lenses.

Risks of Lasik surgery

Lasik surgery is a risky intervention in medicine. Anyway, as any intervention is not exempt from some risks that it is important to consider.

  • Dry eye and changing vision during the day. This symptom usually disappears a month after surgery, but some patients keep them for some time.
  • Infection or scarring of the cornea.
  • Decreased contrast sensitivity.
  • Halos or glares in the Campor visual
  • Difficulty driving at night.
  • Pink patches in the white part of the eye that usually disappear.
  • Sensitivity to light.

Price and financing

Currently, mutual companies and insurance companies do not cover the costs of lasik refractive surgery. In Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We offer different financing plans that allow our patients to correct their vision and pay for surgery within 3, 6, 9 or 12 months.

Currently, the Lasik surgery price en Área Oftalmológica Avanzada is 790 euros per eye, and the preoperative, valued at 50 euros, is totally free if you operate with us.

Contact us and ask about our financing plans. We will wait for you!

Lasik refractive surgery: how is the operation with this technique?
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Lasik refractive surgery: how is the operation with this technique? 
Lasik surgery is currently the most widely used procedure to definitively correct refractive defects.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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