Symptoms of farsightedness

The main symptom of hyperopia is the blurred vision of nearby objects. Other symptoms of hyperopia include need to get away books, newspapers, mobile phone or any type of text, image or object to be able to see it correctly.

Fortunately, hyperopia, like other refractive defects, can be corrected through the use of glasses, contact lenses or refractive surgery.

Symptoms of farsightedness

The main symptom of hyperopia is the blurred vision of nearby objects. Other symptoms of hyperopia include need to get away books, newspapers, mobile phone or any type of text, image or object to be able to see it correctly.

Fortunately, hyperopia, like other refractive defects, can be corrected through the use of glasses, contact lenses or refractive surgery.

What is hyperopia?

La farsightedness is a refractive error that causes blurred vision of objects at close range.

Its origin is related to several factors within the ocular structure that together cause the eye focuses light behind the retina and not on it.

Thus, depending on the degree of hyperopia, the ability to focus may be reduced to the point that the person sees only those objects that are at a long distance. 

In order to enjoy a good quality of life and not have limitations in carrying out daily activities such as driving, reading or working on the computer, you must treat hyperopia.

It is also important go to the ophthalmologist as soon as possible to avoid some symptoms of farsightedness which can be very annoying, like the headache or eye strain.

Symptoms of farsightedness

Symptoms of farsightedness depend, largely, the degree of hyperopia that the patient has. Therefore, farsightedness may cause no symptoms or many. 

In general, the main symptom of people with farsightedness is blurred vision of objects at close range and unlike those who have myopia, they can see objects clearly that are found Long distance

Symptoms of farsightedness may be different depending on each patient based on degree of hyperopia presented by the patient and the state of other eye structures like the lens. Vlet's get them:

hyperopia symptoms
  • Hyperopia can be asymptomatic when the degree is mild and the patient retains the accommodative power of the lens intact. This situation is common in young patients.
  • If farsightedness is important and the patient has little accommodative power, the defect may be accompanied by symptoms produced by eye strain to focus better. These symptoms can be: headache, Eye fatigue, eye pain, itching, squint, amblyopia in children and blurred far vision.

Some patients with hyperopia manifest mild dizziness due to eye strain that is exerted for focus. Whenever one of these dizziness is suffered, it is very important to go to the ophthalmologist to check the structures of the eye and the vision.

How is farsightedness detected?

farsightedness, like the other refractive errors, diagnosed during ophthalmological examination annual in which we measure the patient's graduation and observe that the ocular structure is not damaged.

Changes in the evaluation of the refraction of the eye allows us to determine the diagnosis of any refractive error, such as hyperopia. To perform these measurements we use specific prescription lenses and instruments designed for this purpose. 

Sometimes, to perform these measurements with greater precision, we apply eye drops to dilate the pupil. However, when the pupil is dilated, the eye is more sensitive to light, so it is necessary to go to the eye exam accompanied and with sunglasses.

Hyperopia operation

Hyperopia can be corrected whether it manifests itself or if it is accompanied by myopiaastigmatism o presbyopia. The most common correction is the use of glasses or contact lenses that help focus light on the retina.

Now if the person wants stop wearing glasses or contact lenses permanently the only treatment is refractive surgery. Among the different surgical options we have the laser refractive surgery (FemtoLasik, LASIK y PRK) or the implantation of a intraocular lens.

La refractive surgery for hyperopia operation is a safe, effective and painless procedure which can rectify mild, moderate and advanced farsightedness. In addition, farsightedness and any other refractive error can be corrected in the same operation.

hyperopia symptoms dizziness

These are the different surgical techniques to remove glasses or contact lenses:


La FemtoLasik surgery It is the most modern and safe technique that currently exists., since it allows correcting refractive defects exclusively using laser technology.

The procedure consists of applying femtosecond laser, a very precise type of laser that separates the layers of the cornea more safely than other surgical options. Subsequently, the corneal structure is molded with excimer laser to eliminate hyperopia. Once these steps have been completed, the patient can go home.

The femtosecond laser is much safer than the surgeon's hand, since considerably reduces the risk of complications during refractive surgery


La lasik surgery es the most used today to correct farsightedness, myopia and / or astigmatism.

The technique consists of creating a corneal lamella by using the microkeratome to subsequently apply the excimer laser which will adjust the curvature of the cornea and will remove all graduation.

After surgery, the corneal lamella is put back in place without the need for any type of suture.


La PRK surgery is one of first methods used to correct refractive defects.

During the procedure, the surgeon removes the corneal epithelium by scraping and then uses the excimer laser to mold the corneal structure.

It should be noted that the epithelium regenerates on its own during the postoperative period.

intraocular lens

Surgery for hyperopia by implanting an intraocular lens is indicated in patients whose cornea does not allow laser intervention since this is too fine or have excessively high hyperopia.

La refractive surgery with intraocular lens it consists of making a small incision in the eye to inject a lens designed specifically for that patient. The lens is placed behind the iris and ahead of the lens and acts as a contact lens.

Symptoms of farsightedness
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Symptoms of farsightedness
Find out what farsightedness is, what its symptoms are and what treatment is the most recommended.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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