myopic astigmatism

El astigmatism It is a refractive error that causes blurred vision or distortion of images at any distance. The myopic astigmatism is a type of astigmatism which is caused by a corneal irregularity what makes one or both ocular axes project in front of the retina

El myopic astigmatism can compensated through the use of glasses, contact lenses or definitively treated by astigmatism operation.

myopic astigmatism

El astigmatism It is a refractive error that causes blurred vision or distortion of images at any distance. The myopic astigmatism is a type of astigmatism which is caused by a corneal irregularity what makes one or both ocular axes project in front of the retina

El myopic astigmatism can compensated through the use of glasses, contact lenses or definitively treated by astigmatism operation.

What is myopic astigmatism?

El astigmatism is a refractive defect what happens when the cornea does not have the same curvature in all its parts and therefore, the light that enters the eye is projected at different points on the retina.

El myopic astigmatism is a type of astigmatism what happens when one or both main meridians of the eye focus as myopic, that is, in front of the retina.

Two types of myopic astigmatism:

  • Simple myopic astigmatism: It happens when one axis focuses on the retina and the other axis focuses ahead of it.
  • Compound myopic astigmatism: It happens when the two axes Of the eye focus in front of the retina.

This refractive defect is characterized by causing blurred vision or distorted images at any distance.

simple myopic astigmatism

Simple myopic astigmatism

compound myopic astigmatism

Compound myopic astigmatism

Causes of myopic astigmatism

Myopic astigmatism is a refractive error that, in most cases, presents as a congenital problem. In fact, it is believed that almost everyone with a certain degree of astigmatism still does not know it.

As we have mentioned before, myopic astigmatism occurs when la cornea has irregularities or is curved in a pronounced way or in the same direction, causing blurred vision horizontally, diagonally or vertically, as in the case of keratoconus.

Similarly, astigmatism also can result from an eye injury, Trauma, disease o eye surgery.


The astigmatism symptoms myopic can be very varied but, some of the main symptoms to know that we are facing a myopic astigmatism are:

  • Difficulty to focus images correctly. 
  • distorted vision of the images at any distance
  • All the images they may seem elongated
  • Photophobia.
  • Tiredness or eye fatigue
  • Pain in the forehead and eyes After reading.
  • Sensation of burning eyes.

Myopic astigmatism operation

El Myopic astigmatism can be treated using glasses, contact lenses, or definitively through a astigmatism operation with laser technology. Surgery for myopic astigmatism allows correct myopia and astigmatism permanently in the same treatment.

Please note that only astigmatism or myopia cannot be corrected, since both must be treated at the same time. Otherwise, the patient will continue to have trouble seeing the images correctly.

Currently, there are different techniques of refractive surgery to treat myopic astigmatism. The ones we use the most are the techniques with laser:

myopic astigmatism operation


La refractive surgery to correct myopic astigmatism by FemtoLasik is surgery is the newest, most innovative and revolutionary that exists, since made entirely with laser technology.

The procedure consists of applying femtosecond laser to separate the superficial tissues of the cornea. Once we have done this step, we apply the excimer laser that is responsible for eliminating myopic astigmatism.

The innovation of this technique lies in the fact that it works by separating the tissues at the molecular level without making cuts, which makes it much more accurate, it reduces the risks during and after surgery, and offers a much faster recovery than other refractive surgery techniques. In addition, FemtoLasik surgery allows to shape very thin corneas and to correct very high myopias.


La correction of myopic astigmatism through refractive surgery PRK It is a highly recommended option for patients who do not have a sufficiently large corneal thickness or perform high impact activities in which it is easy to receive a strong blow to the eyes (boxers, police ...).

This operation consists of removing the superficial layer of the cornea, the corneal epithelium, by scraping. Later, we apply the excimer laser previously programmed according to the needs of each patient for mold the cornea and remove graduation.

Next, we place the patient with therapeutic lenses that must be used for the time indicated by the medical specialist. The corneal epithelium regenerates itself, that is, it will heal during the postoperative period.

PRK refractive surgery is the first technique created to correct refractive errors with laser and, today, it is still one of the most used.


The technique Lasik It is the most used today to correct vision defects. It consists of making a corneal flap by mechanical cutting with microkeratome. Subsequently, we apply the excimer laser previously programmed according to the needs of each patient to remove the graduation. Once we have performed this maneuver, we place the corneal flap back in place.

The patient can go home after the intervention with the eyes uncovered since the surgery is carried out without the need for any type of suture.

Intraocular lens

Another alternative for correct myopic astigmatism is  implantation of an intraocular lens, a highly recommended option in patients who are not candidates for laser surgeries like FemtoLASIK, LASIK or PRK.

All the  toric intraocular lenses estan designed for treat astigmatism permanently, since they allow correcting the asymmetry of the eye and significantly improve distance and near vision.

These lenses are made with a custom curvature, according to the characteristics of the patient's eye, and provide great visual sharpness. The placement of these intraocular lenses for myopic astigmatism surgery It is a very precise intervention that requires experienced professionals to guarantee the success of the intervention.

La refractive surgery it is the best option to treat myopic astigmatism in patients over 18 years of age whose eyeball has fully developed.

In this very safe method that offers excellent results and allows you to see clearly without the need to wear glasses or contact lenses.

Myopic astigmatism in children

For children, myopic astigmatism is usually treated using glasses with toric lenses that help correct this refractive error.

As the child grows, his eyeball will also develop, and then you can opt for the use of toric lenses

The children are not candidates for refractive surgeryTherefore, to be able to do one of these procedures, it is necessary that the eyeball has finished developing completely. In this way, we will be able to avoid that the dioptres continue to increase after the operation.

Generally, the eyeball ends its growth process between 18 and 20 years of age. 

If in adulthood a person decides not to use glasses or contact lenses anymore and wants to undergo refractive surgery, they should go to an ophthalmologist specializing in these techniques to check their eye health in order to determine if they are a candidate for surgery. or not.

During the eye examination, the specialist will indicate which is the ideal technique to correct myopic astigmatism according to the needs of the patient.

myopic astigmatism
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myopic astigmatism
Find out what myopic astigmatism is, what its causes are and what treatment should be followed.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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