Strabismic amblyopia

Striamic amblyopia consists of a type of amblyopia or lazy eye that is associated with strabismus. Who suffers it receive two different images, and the brain usually discards the one that comes from the deviated eye, thus avoiding double vision.

El Early diagnosis is of vital impotence to carry out a correct treatment of the disease.

Strabismic amblyopia

Striamic amblyopia consists of a type of amblyopia or lazy eye that is associated with strabismus. Who suffers it receive two different images, and the brain usually discards the one that comes from the deviated eye, thus avoiding double vision.

El Early diagnosis is of vital impotence to carry out a correct treatment of the disease.

What is amblyopia?

La amblyopia is a disorder in childhood that produces a reduced vision in one or both eyes that is not caused by eye disease. In many cases this pathology It is usually associated with the presence of squint.

The most common form of strabismic amblyopia is bilateral. But luckily it's a problem that has a cure, as long as it is diagnosed early and treated at the correct age for it. Otherwise, it will persist into adulthood. This disease affects 2-3% of the global population.

Types of amblyopia

The following five types of amblyopia are distinguished:

  • Striabic amblyopia: It is caused by misalignment of the eyes.
  • Stimulus deprivation amblyopia: It is due to reduced vision of one of the eyes, due to an obstacle in the anterior visual pathway, for example cataract.
  • Anisometropic amblyopia: caused by a difference in graduation each eye.
  • Ametropic Amblyopia: due to a major refractive error in both eyes.
  • Southern Amblyopia: is produced by a astigmatism not corrected
strabic amblyopia

What is striambic amblyopia?

Is the amblyopia that occurs in the strabismic eye, so that the image coming from that eye is suppressed in the brain so that double vision does not occur. This prevents the deviated eye develops full vision.

Strabismus consists in the lack of alignment of the eyes, that is, when one eye is deviated from the other.

There are many reasons why it can appear, especially up to ten years of age, since it is during this time that the visual system develops.


The main causes that cause strabismic amblyopia are the following:

  • Refractive defects. Sometimes, high prescriptions in one eye or in both eyes can go unnoticed, and create ocular misalignment due to blurring and/or the effort of trying to focus them.
  • Lack of transparency of eye media. Congenital malformations affecting the pupil or retina (colobomas), congenital cataracts, scars, etc., can cancel the vision of one eye, causing a loss of fixation.
  • Congenital strabismus due to muscular paresis and/or neurological disorders that affect the proper development of vision.

All of us have six eye muscles that control the movement of the eyes: two of them are responsible for moving it to each side, and the other four for vertical and rotary movement. So that the two eyes are aligned fixing on the same point, all these muscles have to be in balance, working those on one side in harmony with those on the other.

If this balance is lost, that lack of alignment that we call strabismus occurs.

How is strabic amblyopia detected?

La amblyopia caused by strabismus can be easily detected by the child's parents, since they will see that the child deflects the eye. Also will not identify objects or people up close, having to get too close to see them.

It is also frequent that stumble and even that fall off For this problem, try avoid television and readingOr this narrow your eyes frequently

strabious amblyopia treatment

Treatment to follow to correct strabismic amblyopia

Treatment normally follow a double track. On one side it's about strabismusand on the other amblyopia or the lazy eye.

The deviation caused by squint is corrected through botulinum toxin injections, visual aids o visual therapy or, in advanced cases, it is recommended to the strabismus surgery.

For treat amblyopia caused by strabismus they are usually performed occlusions of the "good eye" to favor the development of the function of the other eye. Such occlusions are usually made through patches, But also the pupil can be dilated of the well-functioning eye, or occlude it with lacquers or plastics on the glass of glasses.

It is advisable to carry out the treatment of lazy eye as soon as possible, since it is very difficult to correct it once the child has fully developed his visual system.

Strabismic amblyopia, what it is and how to correct it
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Strabismic amblyopia, what it is and how to correct it
What is striambic amblyopia? We tell you all the details about this condition and how it can be corrected.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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