
A coloboma is a eye development problem easy to detect, since its appearance is usually striking. It is a problem that can occur in different parts of the eye, but above all in the iris.


A coloboma is a eye development problem easy to detect, since its appearance is usually striking. It is a problem that can occur in different parts of the eye, but above all in the iris.

What is coloboma?

El coloboma It occurs when some part of the eye, normally located in the iris, is not developed, and it can be of different types. Also known as double pupil o cat eye syndrome.

Types of coloboma

According to part of the eye that is affected, the coloboma can be:

  • Iris coloboma, located in this part of the eye (it is the most common coloboma).
  • Lens coloboma, if the part that remains to be developed is in the lens.
  • Palpebral coloboma, when part of the lower or upper eyelid is missing.
  • Macular coloboma, in the event that the macula is not developed normally.
  • Uveal coloboma, which can affect the iris, giving it the appearance of a cat's eye (hence one of its names). The uvea is the middle layer of the eye.
  • Chorioretinal coloboma, if part of the retina is missing.
  • Optic nerve coloboma, in the place where the optic nerve should be, there is a void caused by an ocular malformation.

Symptoms of cat eye syndrome

The most notable symptom of coloboma is their appearance, and it is different depending on where it is in the eye.

It is characterized by an iris (when it affects this part of the eye) with a improper and irregular shape, especially remarkable. The iris often resembles a cat's eye, or the shape of a keyhole.

Regarding vision does not have to be affected in all cases. Depending on the type and size of the coloboma, in addition to other factors, some colobomas can cause visual problems. This occurs, above all, when the coloboma affects the pupil, causing the vision of a distorted secondary image.

In these cases, the patient may present any of the following symptoms: blurred vision, double vision, visual acuity reduction: hypersensitivity to light.

Causes of coloboma

Colobomas are congenital in most cases. That is, the most common is that they are present from birth.

During the first three months of growth of the fetus, the eye develops rapidly, appearing under the stalks that form a space that is known as choroidal fissure. This fissure usually closes in the seventh week of pregnancy, and if it does not, a coloboma appears.

But in general, its cause is not usually known, although there are cases in which it is due to a eye surgery, Trauma or one hereditary condition.

iris coloboma


As we have mentioned, cat eye syndrome is usually born, which is why it is practically impossible to avoid its appearance.

However, when this condition is detected in a newborn baby, It is vitally important that a oftalmopediatria do a full review, and prescribe the treatment and care to be followed.


There are three factors that affect the treatment to be applied to a patient with coloboma: the type, degree of affectation and the symptoms that it produces.

  • Some patients with iris coloboma (the most common) have only aesthetic problems. In these cases they can be concealed with colored contact lenses. If it is very conspicuous, you can opt for surgery.
  • When it comes to a coloboma that causes visual problems, it is necessary to follow other treatments. Possible solutions include optical devices that correct reduced visual acuity, or a laser treatment to eliminate or reduce the complications derived from the double pupil (for example, the appearance of children's falls or abnormal growth of blood vessels in the back of the eye).
  • In cases where the coloboma is of birth, which is the most frequent, is usually detected in routine ophthalmological check-ups carried out on newborns. To make sure that the baby does not have other problems in its visual development (which can easily happen in the case of coloboma), a full exam of the inner part of the eye. This test can be completed with the performance of an MRI to analyze the connections between the eyes and the brain.
  • There are patients in whom the coloboma leads to Development of lazy eye. When this occurs you can apply the treatments that are appropriate for these cases, such as placing patches on the eye that is healthy to stimulate the one that is affected. 
Coloboma: what is it, types and causes
Article name
Coloboma: what is it, types and causes
A coloboma is a problem in ocular development that is easy to detect, since its appearance is usually striking. It is a problem that can occur in different parts of the eye, but especially in the iris.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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