Ocular migraine or ophthalmic migraine

There are different types of headache and ocular migraine o ophthalmic migraine It is one of them. This discomfort is characterized by causing visual discomfort not painful and temporaryHowever, these discomforts are harmless and do not represent any risk to the health of the eyeball.

The eye migraine is associated with the Genetic heritage, so people with a family history are more likely to suffer from this discomfort. This type of headache is usually localized to one side of the head o around one eye.

Ocular migraine or ophthalmic migraine

There are different types of headache and ocular migraine o ophthalmic migraine It is one of them. This discomfort is characterized by causing visual discomfort not painful and temporaryHowever, these discomforts are harmless and do not represent any risk to the health of the eyeball.

The eye migraine is associated with the Genetic heritage, so people with a family history are more likely to suffer from this discomfort. This type of headache is usually localized to one side of the head o around one eye.

What is eye migraine?

Eye migraine or ophthalmologic migraine is a severe headache that comes with visual discomfort. Usually the person has palpitations in one side of the head, pain around one eyevisual fatigue, symptoms that usually disappear within 30 minutes after taking any medication.

The term ocular migraine can be used to refer to two conditions: migraine aura and retinal migraine

Migraine Aura

Migraines often cause the appearance of an aura as a symptom that affects vision and causes discomfort. East Aura can occur without headache and affects Both eyes causing star appearance in the Campor sight, photopsies, zigzagging patterns y Blind spots.

A person suffering from migraine aura may have difficulty driving y read, but fortunately it's temporary and does not cause negative consequences on the vision.

Retinal Migraine

Ocular migraine and retinal migraine are the same. Both terms are used to refer to a strong headache coming accompanied a brief loss of vision o significant decrease in visual acuity. The visual symptom may appear as warning that a migraine is coming or along with this one.

La retinal migraine It is very annoying and affects only one eye. Whenever vision loss occurs, no matter how slight or temporary, it is vital go to the ophthalmologist to check the eyeball. The loss of spontaneous vision is a alarming symptom It can't be caused by a headache.

ocular migraine

Symptoms of ocular migraine

The main eye migraine symptom are head palpitations that are accentuated by noise and light. However, this discomfort is more associated with the migraine aura and can appear as notice of a future retinal migraine. The main symptoms of an eye migraine are:  

Scotoma appearance, very small blind spots that appear suddenly in the overview and are sometimes accompanied by lights. This discomfort can encompass the entire campor visual

  • Headache It comes on suddenly and gets worse quickly. The pain may affect only one side of the head and is throbbing.
  • Transient vision loss in one eye
  • Double vision.
  • Sensitivity to light and sound.
  • Nausea and vomiting.

Eye migraines usually appear as consequence neurological factors that affect the brain, as is the case with hormonal changes, food allergies, reactions to drugs or consumption of Stimulants such as chocolate, alcoholic beverages, dairy products, and caffeine. The drastic changes of temperature, endure hunger, suffer Stress y anxiety and Lack of sleep They are also some triggers of eye migraines.

In addition to genetic load, there are some conditions that are associated with the appearance of ophthalmic migraines, such as lupus, depression, epilepsy y anemia. Treating retinal migraine in time is vital to preserve quality of life and prevent discomfort from becoming a factor of disability.

Eye Migraine Treatment

This condition is treated through the consumption of analgesics y anti-inflammatory. Doctors today are also prescribing new medications known as triptans, which have been developed specifically for the migraine treatment.

When a person presents more than five or six migraines in a month, it is important that your doctor prescribes a preventive treatment who can contemplate medications antidepressants, for the epilepsy o botulinum toxin infiltrations.

Recognize what are the triggers of our migraine is also of great help to know what things we should avoid in order to prevent discomfort. There are those who present ocular migraine as a reaction to Stress and there are few people who have had to say goodbye to chocolate forever. Therefore, keeping a diary of triggers is vital so that you can control this discomfort.

eye migraine symptoms treatment

If the migraine is accompanied by Sight loss o decreased visual acuity, it is important that you ophthalmologist perform a thorough review of your eyeball to rule out any additional complications. 

Ocular migraine or ophthalmic migraine: what it is, symptoms and treatment
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Ocular migraine or ophthalmic migraine: what it is, symptoms and treatment
Do you suffer from ocular migraine or ophthalmic migraine? Learn what it is, what its symptoms are and how to treat it to reduce its effects. Get in now!
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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