Glaucoma operation

El glaucoma It is a disease that can damage the optic nerve and cause loss of vision. This condition it is laser treated and use of eye dropsHowever, when a patient does not respond well to treatment or the disease is very advanced, the glaucoma operation.

La glaucoma surgery it is very effective for remove intraocular pressure y reduce the risk of vision loss.

Glaucoma operation

El glaucoma It is a disease that can damage the optic nerve and cause loss of vision. This condition it is laser treated and use of eye dropsHowever, when a patient does not respond well to treatment or the disease is very advanced, the glaucoma operation.

La glaucoma surgery it is very effective for remove intraocular pressure y reduce the risk of vision loss.

Can I have glaucoma surgery?

La glaucoma operation can be carried out to any patient with the intention to create an opening to serve as drainage and decrease intraocular pressure.

However, depending on how advanced this condition is, the state of health of the eye and the type of glaucoma, the specialist must decide what is the best procedure to execute.

How is the glaucoma operation?

La glaucoma operation It can be carried out through different techniques, being the trabeculectomy the most used. This procedure is to create a drain or fistula in the eye to remove intraocular fluid (aqueous humor) into the subconjunctival space without obstacles.

Glaucoma laser surgery

La laser trabeculoplasty takes place in the doctor's office of an ophthalmologist and is performed under topical anesthesia, applied through drops. Once the eye is asleep, the glaucoma specialist will hold a lens special in front of it and will apply a laser on the lens.

glaucoma operation

Lightning laser reflected into the eye makes several burns at equal distances to create a fistula allowing aqueous humor to drain. The leaking liquid will form a kind of bubble that is located on the top of the eyelid and is not visible.

Operation by conventional surgery

La trabeculectomy is carried out in a specialized medical center and before the operación The patient is given some sedatives to help him relax.

The doctor will inject anesthesia around the eye to numb it and then proceed to remove some eye tissue to create a channel that allows the aqueous humor to escape to the outside. This surgery is very effective when no previous glaucoma operations have been performed.

La glaucoma operation can be carried out on only one eyeTherefore, to operate two eyes, it is necessary to wait a period of two weeks between one intervention and another. The conventional surgery is effective up to 80%However, if the drain is blocked, a new opening will be necessary. Carrying out this operation does not exempt the use of medications to treat glaucoma.

La surgery to treat glaucoma is painless and outpatient, which means that the person will be able to return home that same day. After a couple of days the patient should return to the medical center for the doctor to evaluate the eye and rule out any sign of infection. 

Glaucoma operation video

We present you a video of a glaucoma surgery performed by our glaucoma unit in Área Oftalmológica Avanzada using the technique non-perforating deep sclerectomy.

Postoperative glaucoma operation

Immediately after surgery the eye looks swollen and red, tearing will also increase. After glaucoma operation the patient does not have to rest, but it is essential that avoid any contact with water with the operated eye and that do not drive, not read, don't lean y do not lift heavy objects.

Generally, after two weeks the person can return to normal life. It is also essential follow medical instructions to the letter and the application of medications prescribed by the doctor.

La healing speed is different in each patienttherefore it is important visit periodically to the ophthalmologist for assess healing status of the fistula and know if the intraocular pressure is at the desired values. Depending on the case of the person, the doctor can perform certain actions to increase or decrease healing depending on whether the result of the procedure is successful.

The glaucoma operation results can be known 30 days after the operation, when the doctor will evaluate the intraocular pressure and can determine if the procedure has been successful or not.

Glaucoma Surgery Risks

The glaucoma surgery risks they are the same as any surgical intervention, such as excessive bleeding and surgical infection. However, in glaucoma surgery these complications are very rare and to avoid them it is of great help choose a specialized ophthalmology center and a professional doctor.

Other risk associated with this operation is ocular scarring. Generally, after surgery, the goal is for the wound to heal as soon as possible. In the case of glaucoma operation, this is not the case, since against faster heal the fistula, less intraocular fluid will have been able to drain.

In addition, they can appear other complications on the table:

  • Excessive filtration.
  • Pore ​​formation leaking due to poor wound closure.
  • Deviation of aqueous humor towards the back of the eyeball.
  • Hemorrhage late.

Price and financing

El glaucoma operation price is 2.470 euros per eye. This price includes both operating room and medical fees. The price of glaucoma surgery is not the same in case of having health insurance. As usual, Mutuals cover the full cost of the interventionTherefore if you have insurance, the intervention will cost you 0 euros staying fully covered the intervention as visits.

To find out which insurance companies we work with you can click on the following link.

We know that not all people want to make the payment in full. For this reason, we make available to the patient a 12-month financing and 0% interest rate so that the person can adapt the payment to their needs in the most comfortable way possible.

How is the Glaucoma operation
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How is the Glaucoma operation
Do you want to know what the glaucoma operation is like? In this article we explain the procedure, risks, complications and recovery.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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