Headache and eyes

El headache It is one of the most frequent conditions in our population, but the fact that it is a common ailment causes many to downplay it, associating it with Stress and day to day tension.

In other cases we think that the relationship between the headache and eyes it is due to use excessive electronic devices as in the case of computer or smartphone, which is the main cause of problems such as tired eyesight or headache, but although these factors can influence the increase of this discomfort, when this condition occurs frequently it is important to see a specialist to detect the cause that produces it and attend it in a timely manner, without letting the situation pass.

Headache and eyes

El headache It is one of the most frequent conditions in our population, but the fact that it is a common ailment causes many to downplay it, associating it with Stress and day to day tension.

In other cases we think that the relationship between the headache and eyes it is due to use excessive electronic devices as in the case of computer or smartphone, which is the main cause of problems such as tired eyesight or headache, but although these factors can influence the increase of this discomfort, when this condition occurs frequently it is important to see a specialist to detect the cause that produces it and attend it in a timely manner, without letting the situation pass.

Headache and eyes, is my eyesight responsible?

The headache is a multifactorial condition and therefore it is necessary to determine the type of discomfort suffered in order to detect its cause.

La Tensional headache o tension headache It is the most common type of discomfort, which can be triggered by different conditions, including Eye sight problems or the most common refractive errors, such as myopiaastigmatismfarsightedness or the presbyopia untreated

El headache because of an eye problem It is very common but you have to know how to distinguish whether sight is the cause or not of discomfort. Learning to differentiate between the types of headaches that exist and understanding what their causes and symptoms are, is essential to understand if our eyesight is responsible for headache and how to deal with the problem.

Tension headache

Also known as Tensional headache, is the kind of headache most common of all. It occurs when the tension builds up in the muscles of the neck and the base of the head, causing pain that instead of concentrating on the affected muscles manifests on the foreheadthe temple and also in the eyes.

This discomfort is commonly generated by the increased tension in the neck muscles when we maintain a inappropriate posture for a long time for example the head down when typing or when performing mechanical work for many hours or sleep in bad posture. In these cases a massage in the tense muscles and an analgesic will end the discomfort.

But there are others Causes for tension headache that can cause the discomfort to remain longer, among them is the physical and emotional stress, dental problems y the vision.

headache and eyes

Accumulation of physical or emotional stress

It occurs in periods of work strain or when we suffer from personal problems and / or depression.

In these cases the pain is also temporary and it is relieved reducing tensionconsuming analgesics over the counter and treating the condition that may be affecting us emotionally.

Dental problems

How to Live Aligned with teeth clench when sleeping or during the day to day. The pressure of this constant act generates muscle tension that turns into a headache, until the dental problem is corrected, the pain will continue to occur frequently.

Headache and eyes

La eye strain is a major headache triggers tensional The headaches caused by problems like the myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism and Presbyopia or eyestrain, appear only when the eyes have been forced in excess when performing an activity that requires an important degree of attentionespecially if there is no correct lighting or are used glasses with an incorrect graduation.

The reason for relating tired eyesight and headache or any other type of visual impairment to this discomfort is because when we do not know that we suffer from a dysfunction or have it misdiagnosed we tend to force the view to focus and see better. This constant eye strain is what causes headaches by sight. Very related to this issue we find another of the most common causes that is the headache for not wearing glasses. It is usual that people don't know they have to wear glasses and therefore force your eyes constantly. The lack of glasses or the use of them with an outdated graduation leads, sooner or later, to a headache.

headache and eyes

The headaches caused by an ophthalmic disease they are normally perceived across eyes or front of the side where the disorder occurs. Frequently, these eyesight headaches are associated with some other symptom, such as blurred vision, halo around the lights and an extreme sensitivity to light. In these cases, it is essential visit an ophthalmologist to confirm that the origin of the pain is visual and what is the treatment to correct the problem.


It is an intense headache that can occur in one or both sides of the head, manifesting with other symptoms such as sensitivity to light, and strong odors, nausea, dizziness y visual disorders. Its duration can extend between six hours and two days, worsening over time and manifesting through palpitations in the affected area.

The exact causes of migraine are unknown, although many specialists agree that their appearance is due to the dilation of blood vessels in the head. They are presented with higher frequency in women and there is an important hereditary factor that can trigger its appearance. In addition, other conditions such as hormonal changesstress, sleep bad or the intake of certain foods can cause migraine in patients prone to them. This type of headache is not caused by visual disorders.

Headache in outbreaks

Is less common headache, affects only one side of the head and can lead to other symptoms like drooping eyelid, nose congestion y watery eyes. It is attacks of headache stabbing y powerful that usually appear always at the same time of day, lasting up to two hours. The episodes can manifest for months and then remit until they appear again.

They are presented with more frequency in men that in women and although its exact cause is not known, specialists believe it may be due to a sudden release of histamine or serotonin. In this type of headache, vision problems tampoco are detonating.

Eye pressure and headache

Another cause of severe headache is the increased eye pressure. It is a pathology that can have serious consequences, so it is important to treat it when the first symptoms are detected.

Una high intraocular pressure can lead to glaucoma, with all the risks that this entails. High eye pressure It usually manifests with a headache, so that as soon as you notice constant pain, accompanied by other symptoms such as Red eyes, eye pain or even vomiting, it is necessary go to an eophthalmologist To be diagnosed.

Other causes of headache can be:

  • Flu, colds or sinusitis.
  • A lot of fatigue or fatigue.
  • Consuming excess caffeinated products or smoking too much.

Detection and diagnosis of headache

Since headache is a common problem, it is convenient to perform a medical examination when this discomfort occurs recurrently or chronically. The internist It can help determine the cause of the headache. Since they often provoke symptom that point to a headache for the view and therefore looks to the eyes As those responsible, many people think that it is an ophthalmological problem only and they go to their specialist.

El ophthalmologist, as a doctor, is trained to detect and diagnose such a disease, being able to differentiate between purely ocular causesas the need for glasses, or causes of another type.

eyesight and headache

In the case of a headache through the eyes, ophthalmologist should diagnose the alteration that causes it and treat it. If it is not a visual headache and there is another possible cause, the patient will be referred to an internist or neurologist.

Treatment of headache

Headache treatment is determined by the causes that generate it. The pains linked to colds, flu, fatigue o punctual stress problems, are usually occasional and remit with the analgesic socket, so they do not represent a major problem.

If the cause is depression or anxiety, the therapy is in the hands of the psychiatrist or the attending physician. On the other hand, the excess stress derived from tension headache It can be treated by properly managing the factors that generate tension, as well as performing physical exercise frequently to improve our quality of life.

Migraines they must be diagnosed and treated by a neurologist, who in addition to prescribing medical treatment will make changes in the patient's lifestyle to reduce the episodes. In the same way the headaches Outbreak should also be attended by a neurologist.

In case the symptoms point to a tension headache caused by visual problems Common, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism or presbyopia, it is the ophthalmologist who must perform a timely review and diagnosis. These types of conditions can be corrected temporarily with the use of glasses or contact lenses, or definitely through laser refractive surgery Lasik or refractive surgery with intraocular lenses.

As we have explained, depending on the type of headache, its frequency and symptoms that triggers, we must consult one or another specialist.

Commonly, in case of frequent headaches, the ideal is to go to a neurologist, who will rule out migraines, outbreak headaches and other possible causes of the problem and, if you suspect it is headaches from eye problems, will refer you to a ophthalmologist. After all, they, better than anyone else, will be able to diagnose the headache through the eyes.

However, if we detect that Headache only occurs after straining your eyes during the day, if we experience blurred vision, haloes around the strong lights or if Do you use glasses and you take time without checking your graduation, then it is convenient go to an ophthalmologist to discard any vision problem that may be generating eye strain and therefore headache. 

Headache and eyes
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Headache and eyes
Discover the relationship between headache and eyes, learn to detect its symptoms and treat it. We tell you everything you need to get rid of the pain!
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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