Eye tumors

Any of the eye tissues can develop an eye tumor at some time in life. These tumors can be benign o evil, and if they are malignant, they can come from another location in the body (metastasis.)

It is important to differentiate metastatic tumors of those who originate in the eye apparatus. All eye tumors require a thorough and early evaluation by an ophthalmologist.

Eye tumors

Any of the eye tissues can develop an eye tumor at some time in life. These tumors can be benign o evil, and if they are malignant, they can come from another location in the body (metastasis.)

It is important to differentiate metastatic tumors of those who originate in the eye apparatus. All eye tumors require a thorough and early evaluation by an ophthalmologist.

What are eye tumors?

Ocular tumors are not very frequent, but when they appear, especially at the intraocular level, they are difficult to diagnose.

Sometimes they can have a severe malignant character such as melanomas or retinoblastomas childhood, being necessary not only the removal of the tumor but also the complete enucleation of the eye. When a tumor is diagnosed as benign, in most cases, only observation will be necessary or if it is a vascular tumor, laser treatment can be performed to remove it.


El most malignant eye tumor is melanoma, usually occurs in people of middle age or in people mayores.

Approximately in half of the cases, these tumors metastasize (they spread), to other parts of the body where they grow and despite aggressive treatment, they can lead to death.

Since there is little scientific evidence that no treatment, including surgery, radiation or removal of the eye, influences the outcome, the treatment of melanoma is subject to controversy.

Various studies are evaluating different treatment methods, but it will be several years before the results are known. Currently, the radiation with proton accelerators It has been shown to be more effective in survival time, so it is the most widespread treatment technique at this time.

eye tumor


A rare tumor, genetically determined and that can threaten the patient's life, is retinoblastoma, which may appear in Small children.

In order for the baby or child to survive without abnormalities or visual defects, it must be examined early by an ophthalmologist for immediate diagnosis and treatment. If the tumor is large or affects both eyes, it may be necessary to one eye removal, deal with radiotherapy, chemotherapy or combination of the two.

Retinoblastoma may appear in other family membersTherefore, the genetic test and advice are highly recommended in these cases. 

Eyelid tumors

Eyelid tumors are very common and appear as irregularities or "lumps”, Which can be confused with other injuries, such as a stye or a chalazion.

They are usually benign, But sometimes they can be evil with great dissemination capacity, both local and remote.

The only way to determine for sure whether a tumor is malignant or benign is to examine the tissue under a microscope (biopsy). Your ophthalmologist may suggest removing a portion of the tumor for this purpose, if the tumor is small, your total excision.

Conjunctival tumor

Conjunctival tumors affecting the mucous membrane that covers the white layer of the eye, the conjunctiva. These lesions normally appear as a point or a small raised area on the white background of the sclera.

The malignant tumors consist of difficult to differentiate regarding a Benign tumor in the eye. In this way, in the event of any neoformation at this level, it is necessary to go to the ophthalmologist immediately to assess it and suggest its removal or eradiation.

orbital tumors

Tumors can originate in the orbit, near the eye, moving the eyeball and causing decreased vision or determining double vision.

The diagnosis usually requires a thorough evaluation, often including radiological examination y blood test. Treatment methods may include radiotherapy o tumor removal surgery.

Prevention and eye exams

Eye diseases can occur at any age. Some eye diseases do not cause symptoms until alterations occur and appear.

Blindness can be prevented if diagnosed and treated early. This is why regular eye exams are very important.

Why an ophthalmologist? Because an ophthalmologist (MD) is the only specialist who can provide complete eye care, both optical and medical or surgical.

It is advisable to perform periodic reviews every 1 or 2 years, especially after 40 years, although no ocular symptoms appear. 

Eye tumors
Article name
Eye tumors
Any of the eye tissues can develop an eye tumor at some point in life. These eye tumors can be benign or malignant.
Name of the editor
Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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