Viral conjunctivitis

Viruses are infectious agents that can cause various diseases and can multiply in the cells of other organisms. Some types of viruses can cause conjunctivitis, a very common and highly contagious eye disease. 

Viral conjunctivitis can affect anyone, but it is more common in children. This condition has its peaks in the winter and fall months, when the incidence of the flu virus increases.

Viral conjunctivitis

Viruses are infectious agents that can cause various diseases and can multiply in the cells of other organisms. Some types of viruses can cause conjunctivitis, a very common and highly contagious eye disease. 

Viral conjunctivitis can affect anyone, but it is more common in children. This condition has its peaks in the winter and fall months, when the incidence of the flu virus increases.

What is viral conjunctivitis?

La conjunctivitis It is the inflammation of the conjunctiva, the thin and transparent membrane that covers the white part of the eye and the inner area of ​​the eyelids. Viral conjunctivitis is a type of conjunctivitis characterized by the inflammation of the conjunctiva is caused by a virus.

Viral conjunctivitis can affect one or both eyes at the same time. This sickness it is highly contagious y usually spread through droplets from an infected person's sneezes or coughs

In most cases viral conjunctivitis It is a mild, short-term infection. duration. The disease is more frequent during the autumn and winter months, seasons in which the temperature drops and the concentration of mold, humidity and seasonal flu increase. 

Viral conjunctivitis is almost always acute and, unlike the other types, the viral usually heals on its own over a few days without presenting complications.

Types of viral conjunctivitis

Viruses are not exclusive to the fall and winter seasons. Although it is true that viral outbreaks are more frequent when the temperature drops, the human being can be exposed to these microorganisms throughout the year.

Many types of viruses that can cause viral conjunctivitis, let's know the most common:

Epidemic (serotypes 8 and 19)

These epidemic viruses They can take between 4 and 10 days to hatch.. This type of viral conjunctivitis usually affects both eyes and causes acute pain throughout the eye structure. In the most severe cases, the presence of membranes in the eyes can be observed.

viral conjunctivitis

Epidemic (serotypes 3,5 and 7)

This viral conjunctivitis is more common in children and young adults. His symptoms include fever and sore throat. This infection is not as serious as that caused by serotypes 8 and 19. For this reason, it is not associated with the appearance of ocular membranes or corneal lesions.


This condition is caused by adenoviruses, the family of viruses that most cause viral conjunctivitis. This type of infection is highly contagious for two weeks. Symptoms may be mild at first and worsen as the days go by. Patients with this conjunctivitis may have a sore throat, fever, and keratoconjunctivitis.


Among the most common viruses that cause conjunctivitis, the adenoviruses stand out. These can affect people of all ages and often cause upper respiratory infections. 

The herpes virus can also cause conjunctivitis. In this case the condition is known as herpetic keratoconjunctivitis and it can be a recurring disease. 

Symptoms of viral conjunctivitis

The most characteristic symptom of all types of conjunctivitis is Red eye. This occurs because, when the conjunctiva becomes inflamed, blood vessels dilate and become more visible

Others symptom of viral conjunctivitis consist of

  • Photophobia or sensitivity to light. 
  • Constant eye secretions that can be yellowish or whitish. 
  • Excessive tearing. 
  • Inflammation of the eyelids. 
  • Pain or irritation 
  • Itchy eyes 
  • Scabs on the eyelashes. 
  • Feeling of having grit or some foreign body inside the eye. 

In addition to these symptoms, viral conjunctivitis may be accompanied by nasal congestion, sneezing, pressure in the ears, and headache.

How to prevent viral conjunctivitis

Viral diseases are highly contagious. For this reason, it is very important to know what are the best measures to prevent infection:

  • don't share your glasses with other people.
  • Always keep your glasses inside their case and remember to disinfect them before using them.
  • If you use lenses must be cleaned properly and always keep them in their case.
  • Wash your hands frequently for at least 30 seconds.
  • Don't touch your eyes with dirty hands.
  • Do not lend your makeup and cosmetics. TampI don't use someone else's.
  • Do not share your sheets, towels or pillows.
  • Maintain good eyelid hygiene. For this you can use special wet wipes to clean the eyelids.
  • Avoid close contact with people infected with conjunctivitis.
  • Cover your nose when you sneeze and your mouth when you cough.
  • Wear goggles when swimming or diving.

Treatment of viral conjunctivitis

When the first symptoms of viral conjunctivitis appear, it is important go immediately to the ophthalmologist. During the consultation, the specialist will thoroughly examine the ocular structure to determine the cause of the disease. 

Unlike the other types of conjunctivitis, viral usually heals on its own over a few days and without the need for treatment. However, your doctor may prescribe over-the-counter pain relievers to combat discomfort. 

The discomfort of viral conjunctivitis can last between 5 and 15 days. The duration of symptoms may vary depending on the type of virus and the care that the patient takes of their eyes.

viral conjunctivitis treatment and duration

The discomfort of viral conjunctivitis can last between 5 and 15 days. The duration of symptoms may vary depending on the type of virus and the care that the patient takes of their eyes. 

During conjunctivitis it is important to keep the eyes clean. For this we recommend our patients clean your eyes five times a day with physiological serum. It is also very important to avoid the use of contact lenses and not allow secretions to accumulate in the ocular structure. 

Occasionally, viral conjunctivitis can become a recurrent disease. This can occur when the condition is caused by the herpes virus. In this case, the treatment of viral conjunctivitis is usually different.

Viral conjunctivitis: everything you need to know
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Viral conjunctivitis: everything you need to know
Viral conjunctivitis can affect anyone, but it is more common in children. This condition has its peaks in the winter and fall months, when the incidence of flu and influenza viruses increases.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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