Papillary conjunctivitis

The use of contact lenses suggests an increased risk of contamination and contagion with certain pathogens that can cause allergies or infections. Between the conditions caused by wearing contact lenses, specifically for soft lenses, highlights the papillary conjunctivitis, type of conjunctivitis that triggers significant eye inflammation and is believed to be caused by an allergic reaction.

La Papillary conjunctivitis should not be confused with allergic conjunctivitis caused by reaction to external agents such as pollen, mites, fungi or certain cosmetics.

Papillary conjunctivitis

The use of contact lenses suggests an increased risk of contamination and contagion with certain pathogens that can cause allergies or infections. Between the conditions caused by wearing contact lenses, specifically for soft lenses, highlights the papillary conjunctivitis, type of conjunctivitis that triggers significant eye inflammation and is believed to be caused by an allergic reaction.

La Papillary conjunctivitis should not be confused with allergic conjunctivitis caused by reaction to external agents such as pollen, mites, fungi or certain cosmetics.

What is papillary conjunctivitis?

La Papillary conjunctivitis is an inflammatory and non-infectious condition that affects the eyes.Plus specifically inside the eyelid. It is associated with misuse of contact lenses, especially with the soft lenses.

Among the first Papillary conjunctivitis symptoms highlight eye inflammation and mucous discharge.

giant papillary conjunctivitis

La Papillary conjunctivitis should be treated immediately to avoid its evolution and complication. This sickness it consists of four phases y in each of them their symptoms get worse considerably. Si person does not stop the use of contact lenses and the treatment begins giant papillary conjunctivitis may occur.

This condition is a most acute form of papillary conjunctivitis which is recognized because the inflammation of the eye becomes very noticeable and the person starts to feel how the lenses move excessively inside the eye.

Causes of papillary conjunctivitis

At present the mechanism of production of this disease is unknown. As they are not of infectious origin, it is considered that Papillary conjunctivitis is caused by an allergic reaction of the person to some component of contact lenses, especially in the case of soft lenses. This fact does not mean that papillary conjunctivitis or giant papillary conjunctivitis is not the product of reaction to any other foreign body in the eye like artificial eyes or sutures.

All in all, we can say that The cause of papillary conjunctivitis and giant papillary conjunctivitis is closely related to the use of contact lenses since it is one of the foreign bodies that is most commonly used today.

papillary conjunctivitis

It is also important to bear in mind that contact lenses suggest maintenance, hygiene and care much more delicate than that of corrective vision glasses. Therefore, if a person does not properly wash the lenses or give them the necessary care, they will have a higher risk of not only contracting papillary conjunctivitis, but also other infectious conditions.

Papillary conjunctivitis symptoms

Papillary conjunctivitis consists of four phases and in each of them affects the person differently. It may be that a person experiences all four stages, as they may recover before the disease fully develops. This will depend on how soon you go to the ophthalmologist once the first symptoms appear.

  • Stage 1: is he beginning of papillary conjunctivitis, the person will begin to notice one or both eyes inflamed, segregating a viscous substance in the area near the tear duct.
  • Stage 2: the secretion production viscose increases considerably. Can be annoying open and close eyes. The inflammation persists.
  • Stage 3: the condition is more advanced and causes other discomforts such as burning and itching.
  • Stage 4: papillae form in the eye affected, worsens the burning and itching and appear new symptoms like ocular pain, sensitivity to light y blurred vision. In this point the inflammation can increase considerably and cause a giant papillary conjunctivitis.
Papillary conjunctivitis causes and treatment

Duration of papillary conjunctivitis

La duration of papillary conjunctivitis can varyThe sooner treatment is started and the use of contact lenses is stopped, the better the recovery process will be.

The evolution of this condition is similar to that of conventional conjunctivitisl, that is, It may take a week or two to heal completely..

papillary conjunctivitis duration

Treatment to follow

In the presence of symptoms of papillary conjunctivitis, the first thing to do is go to the ophthalmologist for a review and diagnosis of the state of this condition. The expert will recommend the main measure stop wearing the lenses until the swelling has completely spread.

There is also the possibility that the doctor prescribes the use of artificial tears or some kind of eye drops. Thus, it will be tried soothe burning and itching symptoms depending on the degree of the condition.

Once the person has fully recovered it is important to begin use the lenses gradually and not spend a lot of time with the same sets. It may also happen that the ophthalmologist recommends the use of other lenses made of a different material that may have caused the allergic reaction.

Reviewing with the ophthalmologist the rules of hygiene and care of contact lenses is essential to prevent all kinds of conditions associated with the use of them. Usually the papillary conjunctivitis and giant papillary conjunctivitis are treated the same way.

Papillary conjunctivitis, what is it, causes and treatment
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Papillary conjunctivitis, what is it, causes and treatment
Everything you need to know about papillary conjunctivitis. We answer your questions about this condition caused by the use of contact lenses.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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