Cure conjunctivitis

The treatment to cure conjunctivitis will depend on the type of conjunctivitis that the patient presents. The conjunctivitis It is the inflammation of the conjunctiva, the transparent and thin membrane that covers the white part of the eye. This condition is one of the most frequent in ophthalmology and can be caused by a viral, bacterial or allergic process. 

Conjunctivitis causes very annoying symptoms such as constant itching, eye discharge, eyelid inflammation, tearing and / or sensitivity to light. In addition, conjunctivitis causes a red or pink eye appearance because, when the conjunctiva becomes inflamed, the blood capillaries dilate and become more visible.

Cure conjunctivitis

The treatment to cure conjunctivitis will depend on the type of conjunctivitis that the patient presents. The conjunctivitis It is the inflammation of the conjunctiva, the transparent and thin membrane that covers the white part of the eye. This condition is one of the most frequent in ophthalmology and can be caused by a viral, bacterial or allergic process. 

Conjunctivitis causes very annoying symptoms such as constant itching, eye discharge, eyelid inflammation, tearing and / or sensitivity to light. In addition, conjunctivitis causes a red or pink eye appearance because, when the conjunctiva becomes inflamed, the blood capillaries dilate and become more visible.

How to cure conjunctivitis?

El conjunctivitis treatment may vary depending on its cause and, in most cases, we prescribe medicine in the form of drops or eye ointments to target the condition accurately and effectively. 

The treatments used to cure conjunctivitis are:

  • Bacterial conjunctivitis: this type of conjunctivitis is caused by a bacterial infection that can cause yellowish secretions in the eye, legañas, ocular pain, tearing and inflammation in the eyelids. The most common treatment to treat bacterial conjunctivitis are antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drops. Artificial tears can also be prescribed to ease discomfort.
  • Viral conjunctivitis- Viral conjunctivitis can be caused by a virus like the flu. It is usually very contagious and can go away on its own over the days without the need for treatment. In severe cases, treatment for viral conjunctivitis is more focused on alleviating symptoms than directly attacking the pathogen. Usually a antibiotic eye drops (to avoid bacterial superinfection) and anti-inflammatory eye drops (to reduce the inflammatory component). Apply cold compresses to the eyes it is of great help in relieving symptoms. 
  • Allergic conjunctivitis: Allergic conjunctivitis occurs when the eyes come into contact with an allergenic factor, such as pollen. Treatment of this type of conjunctivitis consists of give antihistamines in drops or by mouth to stop the release of histamine in the body, the substance responsible for the symptoms of most allergic reactions.

Prevention measures for conjunctivitis

To prevent conjunctivitis we recommend implement the following actions

  • Wash your hands with antibacterial soap and water. Hand washing, to be successful, must last at least 30 seconds. 
  • Do not touch or rub your eyes with dirty hands
  • Do not share or use any object for ocular use someone else's, whether it's contact lenses, makeup, creams and glasses. Any of these products can be a route of infection. 
  • La eyelid cleansing It is essential to prevent the spread of bacterial conjunctivitis. Completely removing makeup, cleaning your eyelashes properly, and washing your eyes with soap and water are all good hygiene practices. 
  • Avoid contact with anyone infected conjunctivitis. 
  • Don't drive with the windows open during high pollination days. In the same way, keep the windows of the home closed. 
  • Keep the house clean, preferably with a vacuum cleaner, to prevent the accumulation of house dust mites.
how to cure conjunctivitis

Home remedies

Home remedies can be a very useful aid to soothe the discomfort of conjunctivitis. However, to cure this disease medical treatment is necessary, especially in cases of bacterial and allergic conjunctivitis.

Therefore, if you have conjunctivitis symptoms the best you can do is make an appointment with your ophthalmologist, detect the cause of this disease and start the treatment prescribed by the specialist.

Many home remedies to cure conjunctivitis, some are recommended and others not advisable, let's see:

  • Many people recommend washing the eyes with chamomile water to keep the eyes clean and disinfected due to the antiseptic properties of this plant. As an ophthalmology center we must say that washing eyes with chamomiles is a big mistake. This, far from alleviating the symptoms, can worsen the discomfort due to blemishes, tearing and secretions, and can worsen the infection in case of bacterial conjunctivitis. The same is true of green tea compresses.
  • El cold water It is of great help to relieve eye discomfort and calm the typical itching of conjunctivitis. The ideal is to apply the water with compresses and not share the use of these compresses with anyone.
  • It is also very popular to place carrot slices in the eyes to decrease eyelid inflammation of the eyes. We repeat, placing these types of home remedies in the eyes can make the infection worse.
  • The best way to cure conjunctivitis at home is to follow medical treatment to the letter and washing eyes only with saline solution. The use of any other substance, infusion, vegetable or crustacean is not recommended.

Cure conjunctivitis naturally

Viral conjunctivitis is a temporary condition that usually heals in a few days and usually does not require medical treatment. To treat this type of conjunctivitis, it is usually enough with clean the eyes with physiological saline 5 times a day and apply cold compresses to soothe the itch. 

However, bacterial conjunctivitis and allergic conjunctivitis are processes that occur in response to an alteration in the body, either due to infection or allergic reaction of the immune system. These diseases cannot and should not be treated naturally, but should be seen by an ophthalmologist and be cured with the respective medications. 

Both allergies and infections are health care conditions that must be treated responsibly to prevent complications or possible long-term sequelae.

how conjunctivitis is cured

How to cure it in babies and children?

Conjunctivitis, especially the allergic type, usually especially affects babies, children and adolescents. When this happens the best is go immediately to pediatric ophthalmologist to detect the type of conjunctivitis and begin treatment. 

To cure conjunctivitis in babies and children are used antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, or antihistamine eye drops depending on the type of conjunctivitis the newborn has. It is important to make sure that your baby's eyes are always clean.

How long does conjunctivitis take to heal?

Conjunctivitis is a disease that usually responds quickly to medical treatment. Symptom relief is usually obtained by starting the medication and the disease may take between 7 and 10 days to heal completely. 

Whenever symptoms of conjunctivitis appear, you should go to the ophthalmologist to examine the ocular structure, detect the type of conjunctivitis and obtain the ideal treatment to cure this disease. Conjunctivitis is a very annoying condition, and attending it immediately is essential to fight your symptoms quickly.

How to cure conjunctivitis? Discover the best treatment for you
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How to cure conjunctivitis? Discover the best treatment for you
Treatment of conjunctivitis can vary depending on its cause, and in most cases, medications in eye drops or ointments are prescribed to target the condition accurately and effectively.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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