Bacterial conjunctivitis

The conjunctiva of the eye is a very thin and transparent membrane that covers and protects the white part of the eye and the inner area of ​​the eyelids. The conjunctivitis is the inflammation of the conjunctiva that can be caused by virus, bacteria and allergens

Bacterial conjunctivitis is a contagious condition that can be caused by various bacteria. Diagnosing and treating it in time is very important to prevent pathogens from proliferating in the ocular structure and causing further damage. 

Bacterial conjunctivitis

The conjunctiva of the eye is a very thin and transparent membrane that covers and protects the white part of the eye and the inner area of ​​the eyelids. The conjunctivitis is the inflammation of the conjunctiva that can be caused by virus, bacteria and allergens

Bacterial conjunctivitis is a contagious condition that can be caused by various bacteria. Diagnosing and treating it in time is very important to prevent pathogens from proliferating in the ocular structure and causing further damage. 

What is bacterial conjunctivitis?

Bacterial conjunctivitis is a disease that occurs when one or both eyes come into contact with certain bacteria. This disease causes inflammation of the conjunctiva, the transparent tissue that lines the sclera of the eye and the inner part of the eyelids.

When the conjunctiva becomes inflamed, the capillaries it contains dilate. This causes the white of the eye to appear bright red. Further, excessive tearing occurs which can become constant for several days. In this way, bacterial conjunctivitis begins.

Bacterial conjunctivitis in children and babies

It occurs in 40% of children that are born through an infected birth canal. Various bacteria that may be present at the time of delivery can cause bacterial conjunctivitis in babies. Among all, the most common is chlamydia.

If the mother presents gonorrhea or chlamydia before delivery it is important that you inform your doctor. Today there are preventive measures that can prevent the child from becoming infected during birth.

Bacterial conjunctivitis is very common in school-age children. This is because the disease it is highly contagious and it can be easily transmitted from one person to another. If a child has bacterial conjunctivitis and goes to school he can infect all the children around him.

Bacterial conjunctivitis in adults

Although it is more common in children, it can also affect adults. In this case the disease is just as contagious as in the case of children and can be caused by various bacteria. These bacteria, among other external or internal means, can reach the eye from an infection in the throat or ears

It is contagious?

Bacterial conjunctivitis is a highly contagious disease. The infection can spread by having direct contact with eye secretions of an infected person. 

Do not touch your eyes with dirty hands, wash hands frequently and do not loan personal items, such as glasses or contact lenses, are some actions that can be taken to prevent contagion.

Also, if you have bacterial conjunctivitis It is recommended that you rest and stay at home. Otherwise, you can contribute to the spread of the disease and infect the people around you.

bacterial conjunctivitis

Causes of bacterial conjunctivitis

Bacterial conjunctivitis occurs when certain bacteria come into contact with the conjunctiva of the eye and they cause an infection in the anterior part of the ocular structure. 

These bacteria cause tissue inflammation causing the symptoms of bacterial conjunctivitis. 

Many bacteria can cause conjunctivitis, but among the most common we find: Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Moraxella catarrhalis, and Haemophilus influenzae

La chlamydia trachomatis and neisseria gonorrhoeae They can also cause it, but less frequently.

Symptoms of bacterial conjunctivitis

Bacterial conjunctivitis is a disease that causes very bothersome symptoms which may start out unilateral, but almost always end up affecting both ocular structures. 

The symptoms of bacterial conjunctivitis are:

  • Inflammation of the conjunctiva. 
  • Purulent secretions whitish or yellowish in color. 
  • Excess of legañas in the eye structure. 
  • Crusting on the tabs. 
  • Eyelid swelling.
  • Accumulation of eye secretions in the inner corner of the eye. 
  • Crying eyes constantly.
  • Sensation of having a foreign body within the ocular structure. 
  • Difficulty opening the eyelids when waking up due to excess secretions. 
  • Sensitivity to light.
  • Redness of the white part of the eye.

Duration of bacterial conjunctivitis

La Bacterial conjunctivitis can last up to 15 days. In all cases, the earlier we start the treatment of this disease, the sooner the infection is fought and the symptoms will disappear sooner. 

It is important go to the ophthalmologist when the discomfort begins caused by bacterial conjunctivitis. Early diagnosis of this condition helps prevent bacteria from proliferating within the ocular structure and causing further damage.

bacterial conjunctivitis

Treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis

Bacterial conjunctivitis is treated with antibiotic eye drops They help kill the bacteria that have caused the infection. There are many types of eye drops for bacterial conjunctivitis and it is the ophthalmologist's responsibility to indicate which one is indicated according to the severity and type of bacteria causing the infection. 

Based on the patient's health status, we will evaluate the need to prescribe anti-inflammatories and oral medications. It is important to avoid the use of ointments and creams on the ocular structure that have not been prescribed by the ophthalmologist. 

During your treatment, it is very important keep eyes clean to prevent the accumulation of secretions. The most advisable thing is to clean the eyes five times a day with physiological saline. 

It is also advised to do use of eyelid cleaning wipes to remove scabs and lagañas that may be attached to the eyelashes. 

El treatment for bacterial conjunctivitis it can last between 7 and 10 days. If after this time there is no positive response, the bacteria may be resistant to treatment. 

In those cases, it is advisable to culture of eye secretions to detect which pathogen has caused the infection and which antibiotic can eliminate it.

What is bacterial conjunctivitis and what causes it?
Article name
What is bacterial conjunctivitis and what causes it?
Bacterial conjunctivitis is a fairly contagious disease that can be caused by various bacteria.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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