
La blepharitis is inflammation of the eyelids and you can give so much in the Upper eyelid, in the less or in both eyelids at the same time.

The most frequent cause of blepharitis is Meibomian gland obstruction (responsible for secreting lipids to the ocular surface) that together with the bacteria who live there makes proliferate more than usual.


La blepharitis is inflammation of the eyelids and you can give so much in the Upper eyelid, in the less or in both eyelids at the same time.

The most frequent cause of blepharitis is Meibomian gland obstruction (responsible for secreting lipids to the ocular surface) that together with the bacteria who live there makes proliferate more than usual.

What is blepharitis?

La blepharitis is a very common eye condition that occurs when the edge of the eyelids becomes inflamed, causing an evident swelling in the area near the edge of the eyelashes. Although benign, this condition is chronicleTherefore, patients who have blepharitis once are prone to manifest this eye disease repeatedly throughout his life.

For avoid that the inflammation progresses and give rise to an infection, It's very important identify symptoms of this condition on time and apply the treatment that our ophthalmologist deems appropriate.

Causes and why blepharitis occurs

La blepharitis can appear from various reasons, the most common of which is the overgrowth of bacteria in the area due to a malfunction of the sebaceous glands of the eyelid, located next to the eyelashes.

Under normal conditions you are glands produce a fatty discharge It helps lubricate the surface of the eye and the inner face of the eyelids, preventing the evaporation of tears. In the patients with blepharitis these glands secrete more than normal contaminating the tear and forming fatty acids that irritate the ocular surface.


When this happens the margin of the eyelids becomes inflamed and it looks red, in turn the eye produces secretions that accumulate in the area favoring the growth of bacteria. Bacteria release toxins that contribute to further irritate the eyelids and further aggravate the pathological process, thus starting a vicious circle that must be properly addressed.

In addition to the malfunction of the sebaceous glands of the eyelid, other possible causes of blepharitis consist of:

  • Rosacea skin.
  • Dermatitis seborrheic.
  • Presence of mites on the tabs.
  • Allergic reaction cosmetic products such as makeup, cleansers, etc., or topical medication.

Symptoms of blepharitis

The severity of this condition varies considerably from person to person. In some cases it represents only one discreet discomfort creating slight irritation intermittently, in others it is a more serious disease than can even affect vision.

Depending on how severe it is, that symptoms of blepharitis may include:

  • Swelling and redness of the eyelids.
  • Crusts usually yellow at the base of the eyelashes.
  • Tearing, itch, burning or discomfort in the affected eye.
  • Feeling of heaviness or eye strain.
  • Sensitivity to light.
  • Sensation that we have something in the eye.
  • In more severe cases, visual disturbances as blurred vision.

These symptoms occur more intensely upon awakening. If the condition is not treated in time, the inflammation will continue to progress, leading to possible infections and greater discomfort. 

Treatment of blepharitis

To determine the proper treatment for blepharitis, it is essential to visit an ophthalmologist, the specialist trained to diagnose this condition effectively.

One of the simplest and most effective ways to break the "vicious cycle" of blepharitis is keep the margin of the eyelids as clean as possibleEliminating the small crusts that form hinders the growth of bacteria and helps improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands of the eyelids.

La daily cleaning of the eyelids using warm compresses or specific products is part of the basic treatment against this condition.

In addition, the ophthalmologist can recommend other treatments that include the use of

blepharitis treatment

Artificial tears

Much of the eye discomfort of blepharitis is caused by irritants and toxins found in the tear film and that have been secreted by bacteria or glands on the margin of the eyelids. The detrimental effects of these toxins can be minimized by a regular washing of the ocular surface with artificial tears, there are a large number of these products available in the market and can qualifybasically in two groups:

  1. Artificial tears with preservatives: They contain chemicals that prevent the growth of bacteriaUnfortunately, many of those preservatives can irritate the eye surface. Some people are even allergic to them and can develop severe reactions when used for long periods of time.
  2. Artificial tears without preservatives: As it does not contain preservatives, it is much less likely to irritate the eye surface. The disadvantage is that they must be packaged in small quantities and have to be used immediately after opening. If they are not used shortly after opening, bacteria can grow on them and create a serious eye infection.

Topical antibiotics

The topical antibiotics (eye drops or ointment) They are often used to treat patients with blepharitis. They act against bacteriaHowever, they can become resistant to antibiotics if they are exposed to them for prolonged periods of time.

For this reason, it is recommended use antibiotics intermittently (for one or two weeks), always under the supervision of your ophthalmologist.

Oral antibiotics

Some oral antibiotics, such as tetracycline or doxycycline, are frequently used in the treatment of blepharitis, both for their direct action against bacteria as for its ability to improve secretions from the eyelid glands.

As in the previous case, this medication must be administered by the ophthalmologist and be ingested under strict medical supervision during the period of time indicated by the specialist.


The steroids are used to reduce inflammation and redness caused by irritating secretions from the glands and bacteria from the eyelid. Reducing inflammation makes it easier for the glands to recover their normal function. Steroids also reduce discharge and crusting.

Like antibiotics, steroids are often indicated for short periods of time in the treatment of blepharitis and always under strict control of the ophthalmologist.

Regardless of the treatment chosen by the specialist, it is recommended avoid using contact lenses and makeup and cosmetic products in the area while this condition is being treated, as this can aggravate the discomfort and the presence of bacteria.

Can I prevent blepharitis?

Because this disease is usually chronic, keeping the eyelid area perfectly clean is essential to prevent its appearance. The daily eyelid hygiene This area should be part of the routine of patients with this condition.

To properly clean your eyelids, start by washing your hands well.then close your eyes and rub your eyelids gently in the area where the eyelashes are located with a small gauze or a cotton swab moistened and impregnated with neutral pH soap. You can use some of the soaps available in pharmacies and the specially designed for cleaning the eyelids, o just a mild neutral pH soap. Then remove it with water. The cleaning maneuver will be carried out once or twice a day, depending on the severity of the blepharitis.

Depending on the patient's condition and the underlying cause, the specialist may recommend periodic cleanings in the officeAs well as frequent use of drops to keep the ocular surface moist. In the case of Rosacea or seborrheic dermatitis patients, It's basic keep these conditions under control dermatological to prevent blepharitis.

Other measures that can help prevent blepharitis in prone patients they are:

  • Avoid frequent makeup use in the eyes, especially from products like mascara or eyeliner. If you use them, avoid sharing them y replace them every six months to avoid bacteria growth that may trigger a new episode.
  • Reduce the habit of rubbing the eyes and keep good hygiene in our hands, minimizing the possibility of our eyes coming into contact with bacteria.
  • Go periodically to the ophthalmologist for a review.
Article name
Blepharitis is one of the most common eye diseases, discover what it consists of, its treatment and the best way to prevent its appearance again.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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