Doubts about the operation of cataracts

During the clinical consultation, many patients arise doubts and questions at the time of reporting about cataract operation.

The most frequent questions about cataract surgery are usually universal to all patients. Thus, let's solve them one by one.

Doubts about the operation of cataracts

During the clinical consultation, many patients arise doubts and questions at the time of reporting about cataract operation.

The most frequent questions about cataract surgery are usually universal to all patients. Thus, let's solve them one by one.

When should I have cataract surgery?

El Cataract treatment is always surgical and although we know that the protection against ultraviolet rays and a balanced diet can slow down its progress, it will not prevent its appearance and much less the improvement of vision.

The time to raise the cataract operation it is based on two facts:

  • Loss of vision, when we have difficulties to realize our habitual life, especially driving.
  • Emergence of complicationsand increased intraocular pressure, who advise advancing the surgery although we still enjoy an effective vision.

As a rule of thumb always will be the specialist where through an eye scan decide the best time to perform the cataract intervention.

Do I need a pre-surgery preparation?

Modern cataract surgery does not require taking exceptional measures.

We recommend a prior control in cases that other diseases are suffered, such as hypertension, diabetes o cancer treatments; it is preferable to avoid decompensation phases.

What type of anesthesia is used for the operation of cataracts?

Today we can totally avoid pain and anxiety. Through a Sedation controlled by an expert anesthetist in this type of surgery, we reduce the risk practically to zero and we avoid the inconvenience of anesthetic injections in orbit or eyelids.

doubts and questions cataract operation

Image of Dr Carlos Vergés performing a cataract surgery with microincisional technique

Better the cataract with laser?

Ultrasounds are still the great ally in cataract surgery but it is true that the appearance of laser for cataract operation it is a revolution.

We still cannot say that the laser has replaced ultrasound, but it does offer some important advantage. En Área Oftalmológica Avanzada we use the laser in complicated cases or in cases that I have to implant a multifocal lens or a toric lens to correct the astigmatism.

What type of IOL intraocular lens?

Although there is not full consensus, it is true that the Multifocal IOLs they offer a very good vision in all distances, far, intermediate y search. They allow to correct the previous graduation, even astigmatic, and with it eliminate the need for glasses after surgery. The surgeon must decide if they can be implanted.

Operation of a trifocal intraocular lens

Operation of a trifocal intraocular lens

Do I have two eyes on the same day or on different days?

We know that the recuperación visual and functional of the patients it's faster and better when we perform both eyes at the same time.

There are still taboos in front of this practice (endophthalmitis and errors in the calculation of IOLs) but, all published studies show that by doing things right, there is no greater risk regarding surgery on separate days.

How long does vision recovery take?

La visual recovery after cataract operation is very fast, being able to get a vision useful from the first hours of the intervention.

During the following days to surgery, the cvisual aptitude gradually improves until you reach your Maximum potential, habitually 2 or 3 weeks after the operation.

Where should I have cataract surgery?

The choice of the center and the surgeon is fundamental and requires assessing the following criteria:

  • Un center with the right technology to detect risk factors and be able to establish the best surgical strategy in each case: need for laser, possibility of bilateral surgery, possibility of implanting a multifocal IOL and calculation of its power.
  • A surgical center that allows you to perform microincisional surgery. That has the modern ultrasound and facolaer technologies, that guarantees the comfort of the patient, the conditions of asepsis and sterility and that has a anesthesia equipment to perform sedation techniques to avoid pain and anxiety to patients.
  • Un proven surgeon and that dominates modern surgical techniques. That knows how to advise what each patient needs and that can solve the possible complications after surgery. A good surgeon is the one who knows how to resolve exceptional situations and nobody knows before surgery if it will be an exception.

En Área Oftalmológica Avanzada as cataract surgery experts and in the application of the most modern techniques to guarantee, as far as possible, maximum safety and the best results.

How long does it take me to recover after a cataract operation?

If a microincisional technique has been used, without points, and everything has gone well, the recovery is very fast. Usually they do not cover their eyes and on the same day you can already watch TV or read a newspaper (if a multifocal IOL was implanted).

It is considered that after 1 week of surgery can make a relatively normal life and you need 2 or 3 weeks to swim or play sports. Follow this link to learn more about tips for the cataract postoperative.

GOLDEN RULE: Your sight deserves to look well to whom you entrust it.

Doubts of the operation of cataracts
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Doubts of the operation of cataracts
We answer the frequent questions and doubts about the operation of cataracts that our patients give us before the intervention.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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