The onset of presbyopia It is related to the general aging process and in the same way that we can improve the effect of aging, we can also stop presbyopia or delay its onset and slow down its evolution by controlling the factors that act on it. eye aging.

stop presbyopia or eyestrain

There is no single cause for presbyopia

A first aspect in the appearance of presbyopia to take into account is its multi-factorial nature. There is no single cause and that makes the moment of manifestation different in each person, even if the evolution is also different.

It is true that age It is the main axis in the genesis of presbyopia but in the same way that age does not affect everyone equally and some people seem to have a genetics that protects them from the passing of the years, this we also see in the mechanisms of vision, in the process of aging of the eye, especially in the appearance of presbyopia.

Nutrition has an important role on presbyopia

In recent years, studies are showing that a healthy diet, sports and sleeping a minimum of hours, is a benefit to health and among the factors analyzed is presbyopia, its appearance is later and slower evolution. We know that the nutrition it is a key factor and although it is not possible to speak of a universal diet (each population group has a type of diet that is more beneficial for their health).

Sticking to our environment we can say that the Mediterranean diet has beneficial effects on our body and visually we know that the combination of vegetables and fruits of different colors provide vitamins and minerals very beneficial for the cellular metabolism of eye tissues and more specific for the ocular surface and the mechanisms of accommodation, especially the balance of omega 3 and omega 6.

A diet rich in foods that provide omega 3 and poor omega 6 is the key to slow aging and maintain a good functioning of the eye focus system and delay the onset and evolution of presbyopia. Despite the fact that many studies have not yet been published, evidence shows that patients with eating habits that incorporate blue fish (3 times per week), olive oil, nuts and have eliminated the intake of red meat (a maximum of 300 to 500 g per month), present better results when analyzing the accommodative capacity and this translates into less need for close-up glasses.

Protection against ultraviolet radiation

Another important factor in the appearance of presbyopia is exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, especially to the sun. We know that UV radiation has an effect on cells that accelerates aging mechanisms and there is evidence that demonstrates this effect on the eyes, especially on the crystalline, reducing its plasticity and transparency, effects that cause a decrease in the ability to focus on objects up close (presbyopia) and the lens opacification (cataracts).

UV radiation can be controlled using glasses with UV filters, especially in the months of summer, with a high level of radiation, and in all the activities that we carry out during daylight hours, sports in general and with special attention when we are in the snow or on the beach.

The use of computers contributes to the appearance of presbyopia

One of the most relevant aspects of presbyopia that have appeared in recent years is that which relates to our professional activity and use of computers, tablets and smartphones. The fact of keeping one's gaze on the screen at a fixed distance does not allow for changes in focus and the lens stops working on its plasticity. The variable focus mechanism, which includes the lens, zonular ligament and ciliary muscle, "locks" over a certain distance and gradually loses its ability to focus far-near.

There is no doubt that we will not change the use of these technologies, so it is highly recommended to take a series of measures to reduce their negative effect on accommodation. The first aspect is not or getting too close to the screen, that the degree of contrast is not very high, that the ambient light is not very high and above all, not staying for long while fixing your gaze, it is necessary to vary the point of fixation frequently, get up every 20 or 30 minutes and carry out another activity that involves looking at distant objects and if we are in a room where the distances do not allow it, look up from the screen and spend a while looking at objects that are distant, varying the position of the eyes up-down right-left, as if we were performing a "massage" of the gaze.

What to do when presbyopia appears

Although these recommendations serve to delay the onset of presbyopia and slow its evolution, it is true that the ideal complement is to perform a specific study of visual function, accommodation mechanisms and near vision, starting at 40 years, age that its deterioration begins, to be able to see what factors can be altered and establish some exercises visual therapy specific to delay the onset of presbyopia. In some cases they will be aimed at improving the depth of focus, in others the contrast sensitivity or central resolution, different aspects depending on each patient. The situation of a person who never wore glasses will not be the same as that of one who suffers from myopia o farsightedness, the manifestation and evolution of presbyopia will be very different.

How to stop Presbyopia or tired eyesight
Article name
How to stop the Presbyopia
Its multifactorial nature means that there is no single cause, making it necessary to stop presbyopia from an exhaustive examination by the professional.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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