The baby's eyes fulfill an essential function for their physical, mental and emotional development because they help him to absorb information about the world around him, a little at the beginning and much more as he grows up.

Babies, at birth, have their eyes wide open, as if they wanted to take in everything. However, they see practically nothing. Since Área Oftalmológica Avanzada, we explain how much newborns see and what is the evolution of their visual capacity during those first months of life.

how do you see a baby

At what age do babies see

During the first days of life, the baby will not know how to use both eyes at the same time: it is normal that they go from one side to the other or cross.

One month

At first month or second, you will learn to focus and track moving objects. If we pass a finger in front of the face, the baby will follow it with his eyes.

Two months

towards the two months of life (8-10 weeks) can begin to distinguish the volume. It is also able to identify colors, such as red and, later, green. The images are no longer blurry at a longer distance and can be followed with the gaze at a range of 180º.

Three months

From three months There is a notable advance in the baby's visual capacity that his parents can easily check: he discovers his hands. He is now able to perceive the smallest details quite well and can focus at almost any distance.

From four to six months

Between the four and six months, color vision develops. Recognizes objects and looks for them, is able to see at a greater distance. He likes to play "it's not there - it's there" while you cover and uncover his face, because he begins to understand the permanence of objects.

From six months to a year

Between the 6 and 12 months, you can stare at small objects and begin to have a perception of depth. You can see all the colors and little by little you will be able to follow objects that move faster. They are beginning to see how adults.

Evolution baby view

Symptoms to take into account in the baby's vision

Although the evolution of each baby is different, all these temporary guidelines serve to know that everything is progressing normally. It is important, therefore, that if something out of the ordinary is noticed, it is mentioned to the pediatrician and the ophthalmologist quickly.

Área Oftalmológica Avanzada recommends that you contact your ophthalmologist if you detect any of the following symptoms:

  • If the baby is 3 or 4 months old and does not follow an object with both eyes
  • If you have trouble moving one or both eyes in all directions
  • If your eyes move and are not fixed
  • If you are cross-eyed most of the time; one or both eyes tend to list to one side or the other
  • If one of the pupils appears white or a white reflection is observed when taking a photo

If the baby is premature, had an infection, or needed oxygen treatment, he or she is at high risk of developing certain eye problems, such as astigmatism, myopia o squint. The pediatrician and the ophthalmologist must take this into account when examining your eyes and when making the necessary recommendations.

En Area Oftalmológica Avanzada we have a unit of pediatric ophthalmology which has been developing treatments for more than 25 years. To make an inquiry or make an appointment, contact the center.

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How and at what age do babies see?
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How and at what age do babies see?
If you wonder how do babies see? or at what age do babies see? we explain it to you. Come in so you don't miss a thing!
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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