The formation of a pimple in the eye is a rather annoying situation that can cause a lot of pain, even during the days before its appearance. Normally, they form on the skin of the eyelid, several can appear at the same time and it is a very common reason to visit the ophthalmologist. 

The pimples in the eye They contain pus inside that comes from debris, traces of makeup or bacteria that have concentrated in a pore of the skin. However, they are harmless injuries that They usually go away over time on their own..

As it is not something usual, it is natural to worry when a pimple appears in the eye. It is annoying and painful, as well as very unattractive. If it has happened to you and you are worried, in Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We tell you what to do when a lump appears in the eye. 

pimple in the eye

What is a pimple in the eye?

The pimple in the eye is a fat cyst that appears on the eyelid or on the surface of the eye. They form on the skin of the upper and lower eyelids, but can also appear on any other part of the epidermis. These are usually harmless lesions that go away on their own over time. 

The eyelid, despite being a very delicate tissue, is made up of the same structures as the rest of the body's skin and is therefore sensitive to any dermatological infection. 

If a lump appears in your eye too may be a orzuelo or chalazion, more serious infections that usually require treatment. Tampoco is to be confused with xanthelasmas, which are yellow spots that appear when you have too much cholesterol in your blood. 

In the event that a small pimple appears inside the eye or in the tear duct, we must go to the ophthalmologist to examine the injury and determine if it is a pimple, a stye, or a chalazion. Any bulge or foreign body that affects the Eyelids It is reason enough to visit the ophthalmologist. 

Causes of a pimple in the eye

It is normal to wonder why pimples appear in the eyes similar to pimples, as it is not common. Generally, they are cysts caused by infection, plugging or inflammation of various glands. Cysts are not usually problematic for health, but they are for aesthetics.

The causes of pimples in the eyes are:

  • Sebaceous gland cyst of the eyelid skin: Pimples in the eyes can appear due to poor cleaning of the eyelid, with traces of makeup, residue and grease. 
  • cyst of meibomian glands: This cyst is caused by a stye, which obstructs the gland and creates a chalazion.
  • Moll's gland cyst: the sweat glands of the tabs they could also become blocked and cause cysts, usually more watery. 
  • Epidermoid cysts: in this case, they are benign cysts that appear in children from birth. They are removed by surgery. 
  • Cysts that occur when a bag of fat has not been able to drain to the outside and is absorbed by the body. In general, they do not represent a health problem, but they are very unsightly. 

At other times, they appear for the human papilloma virus. Papilloma is a virus that infects the skin and usually manifests itself in the form of pimples or warts. These types of pimples in the eye are not dangerous to health, but must be controlled so they don't get bigger and cause vision problems.

Types of grain in the eye

After seeing the causes, we show you the types of pimples that exist:

  • Pimple inside the eye: These pimples appear inside the eye, specifically, on the conjunctiva. They appear as yellow, slightly raised spots. They are common, benign, and do not usually require treatment unless they cause vision problems. There are two types of such injuries:
    • Pinguécula: Benign small lump that appears on the conjunctiva. It usually appears in elderly people, due to environmental factors such as exposure to light or Dry Eye Syndrome. It causes redness, roughness, dryness in the eye, and a slight inflammation. It usually disappears over the days, although it is treated with eye drops if the eye is very irritated. In the most severe cases, it can affect vision and, in such cases, the pinguecula is surgically removed. 
    • Pterygium: It is a painless lump in the eye, but it can cause vision problems if it is too large. It appears due to environmental factors (excessive exposure to the sun) and also due to the syndrome of Dry Eye. If it is small, it is treated with steroids to reduce inflammation, and if it is large, it is removed by surgery.
  • Pimple on the eyelid: Being a part of the skin like any other, pimples can also appear. This skin is very thin, but it is the same as the rest of the body. For example, a white pimple could appear on the lower eyelid or a pimple in the tear duct of the eye. 
  • Styes: They are pimples on the eyelid caused by an infection of a gland. They are the majority of pimples that appear on the eyelids. They leave whenthe infected gland does not drain naturally, increasing in size and hardening. It appears accompanied by inflammation and redness. Although they usually heal on their own, sometimes they must be treated with an antibiotic ointment, with physiological serum or with an ophthalmologist's intervention in the most serious cases. When this happens it is known as cystic stye and can produce a chalazion. 

Identify a pimple on the eyelid

Many times, we think that we have a pimple in the eye and it turns out that it is another type of injury. This is because it is very easy to confuse a pimple with a stye and, in turn, a stye with a chalazion. Here we explain the differences between stye and chalazion.

As we have seen before, styes are red and very painful bumps that can form on the outer edge of the eyelid (external stye) or inside the eyelid (internal stye), more specifically under the skin. Unlike pimples in the eye, styes are formed by infection of a sebaceous gland or hair follicle.

Styes are very common and usually go away on their own within 10 days. If not, that ball on the eyelid may be an encysted stye or a chalazion.

On the other hand, a chalazion is a kind of cyst that forms under the skin of the eyelid due to infection and plugging of a meibomian gland. Let us remember that the Meibomian glands are responsible for producing the lipid component of the tear film.

In conclusion, pimples on the eyelid they are not all the same. To differentiate them, you must know how to observe the characteristics of each:

  • pimple in the eye: It is common, it can appear further away from the eyelid, it is not so painful and it disappears on its own.
  • Stye: usually appears inside the eyelid and on the eyelid margin. It looks like a pimple. It can swell the entire eyelid, it is painful and appears due to an infection. It usually disappears after 10 days. 
  • Chalazion: it is a lump that appears under the eyelid and is not painful, usually caused by a cystic stye. The small ones usually go away on their own, but the big ones need treatment. 

How to remove a pimple in the eye?

granite in the eye

If you detect something strange in the eyes, especially when a pimple forms there, go to the ophthalmologist. It is the only one who can know for sure what it is and help you treat it. The specialist will examine the lesion to confirm that it is a pimple and not a cyst or a major infection, such as a uveitis

Most of the time, eye pimples go away on their own within a few days. However, the treatment that is usually used for these injuries is the application of hot packs on the eyelid to stimulate circulation and drainage of the pimple. Ideally, apply them at least three times a day for 15 minutes each time. 

In some cases, it can be necessary remove the grain to drain pus and fight inflammation. This procedure is quite simple and is performed in the doctor's office under the effects of topical anesthesia. In the event that it is a chalazion, it is possible to perform a Small surgery (chalazion operation) very simple

When you have a pimple on your eyelid, it is important to keep in mind the following tips so that the injury heals quickly: 

  • Follow medical instructions to the letter
  • Do not apply any type of ointment, cream or lotion on the pimple. The skin of the eyelids is very delicate and can react negatively to any cosmetic, so it is important not to self-medicate. 
  • Do not touch your eyes with dirty hands
  • No makeup
  • Disinfect the lenses and their case
  • Do not wear contact lenses until the pimple is gone
  • If the inflammation continues after 10 days, it is important to return to the ophthalmologist to examine the lesion again

En Área Oftalmológica Avanzada we treat pimples in the eyes, as well as other ailments and eye diseases. If you want more information or if you need an appointment with a specialist, contact us and request it without any commitment.

Pimple in the eye: what to do when it appears
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Pimple in the eye: what to do when it appears
Find out why a pimple forms in the eye and what to do when it appears.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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