There is more and more evidence that shows the positive effect of video games on vision, attention and other cognitive abilities such as the ability to make decisions.

video games and sight

We recommend this link where Eduard Punset interviews neuropsychologist Daphne Bavelier and points out the beneficial effects of action video games.

Are video games good for vision?

For several years we have been working with videogames in the Vision Unit of Area Oftalmológica Avanzada, we saw that vision recovery in children and adults with amblyopia (lazy eye), was much more effective with video games than with traditional exercises, the stimuli used allowed dynamic vision, movement, contrast sensitivity, attention and other cognitive abilities to be improved at the same time and, most importantly, in a fun way, seeking motivation of the one who plays.

Visual training

With these premises we have created different video games and we have selected some of those that are marketed in order to help our patients, both to recover a lazy eye, treat retinal diseases o glaucoma as well as cases where it is intended to improve certain skills, such as driving in old people, after certain surgeries such as cataract or to increase visual abilities in athletes, such as peripheral vision or what we call "collision time", essential for car and motorcycle drivers or for tennis players, to return a serve that reaches more than 200 km/h.

Learning disorders

One of the campWhere we have seen a greater benefit with video games is in the treatment of learning disorders, ADHD and Dyslexias, in these cases a very different evolution is observed in children and adults when they perform video game therapy.

We recommend the videos made in our ophthalmological center on visual training and learning disorders:

Video Games and Vision
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Video Games and Vision
Video games affect vision and our abilities. Find out if playing video games is bad for your eyesight or, on the contrary, is beneficial.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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