Over time we have identified among people with glaucoma A very common question: I can have myopia surgery if I have glaucoma The truth is that, although there is no formal contraindication for surgery, the scenario is different in each patient, which is why it is necessary to individually assess the degree of myopia and glaucoma in order to offer a correct response.

En Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We know how important it is to enjoy good vision and eye health, that's why we explain how it affects the myopia to the glaucoma patient, when it is possible to operate and in which cases surgery is not considered an option.

myopia and glaucoma operation

I have glaucoma, can I have surgery for myopia?

To answer the question if I can operate myopia If I have glaucoma, an ophthalmologist's evaluation is necessary based on knowing the level of myopia, the degree of glaucoma and the ocular structure. Depending on the results of the analysis, it will be decided whether or not it is convenient to operate on myopia in patients with glaucoma.

The most common cases in which surgery is usually carried out are those in which the person has a very high myopia which is in turn affecting the degree of glaucoma, therefore, the correction is opportune.

How does the myopia operation affect the patient with glaucoma?

Many patients with glaucoma and myopia seek surgery as an alternative to have better vision and do without the use of glasses. However, regardless of the particular case of each person and whether the degree of glaucoma is mild or low or high myopia, it is important to know that the operation can have secondary consequences in the evolution of glaucoma, let's see what they are:

  • The surgical option in refractive surgery most used today is the LASIK technique, which allows shaping the cornea through laser application. However, to carry out this process it is necessary to decrease the thickness of the cornea and modify its curvature, important changes that estimate a decrease in the measurement of ocular tension according to the tonometer Goldman, which is usually high the more diopters are treated, which can confuse the monitoring of glaucoma after the operation.
  • Another consequence of surgery is that there may be a decrease in contrast sensitivity, causing alteration of the campor visual. This implies another aspect that can confuse the evolution of glaucoma during the postoperative period.
  • Surgery can also alter the results of tests that are done to examine the optic nerve and nerve fibers, increasing the margin of error in the evaluation of glaucoma.
  • After refractive surgery, treatment with corticosteroid drops may be necessary. These medicines increase Intraocular pressure and should be avoided in people with glaucoma.

Although there is no formal contraindication to operate myopia in patients with glaucoma, it is essential that the ophthalmologist and the patient evaluate the pros and cons of this operation in order to make a decision that prioritizes vision and eye health.

Cases in which it is not convenient to operate

There are some cases in which surgery for myopia poses a significant risk to the health of people with glaucoma and should not be considered an option, these are:

Advanced glaucoma

When glaucoma is very advanced the campor visual is residual, but allows the person to lead a normal life. Therefore, it is essential to avoid any action that increases the risk that the person will lose sight. Why is surgery a risk? By the following:

  • During operation, a momentary increase in intraocular pressure. Although this increase is harmless in normal eyes, in eyes with glaucoma can damage the optic nerve.
  • An increase in intraocular pressure may also occur after the operation due to secondary cause of treatment with corticoid drops.

Narrow angle glaucoma

Patients with narrow angle glaucoma They have little space in the anterior chamber of the eye, which makes it difficult for the eye to drain. aqueous humor. This scenario is not suitable for placing an intraocular lens that corrects myopia, since the reduced space can block the angle. In these cases it is best to replace the crystalline by an intraocular lens that provides greater angle space. This would allow correcting the refractive error and glaucoma.

Stop asking yourself "can I have surgery for myopia if I have glaucoma" and come to our consultation. In Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We will make a detailed review of your case and we will give you the best solutions to guarantee your visual health.

operate myopia if I have glaucoma
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operate myopia if I have glaucoma
Can I have myopia if I have glaucoma? It is a frequent doubt in patients who have this condition. In this article, we clarify it.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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