La sclera It is the white part of the eye that covers the eyeball and protects it from possible external damage. They can sometimes appear yellow spots in the eyes which form in the sclera y can affect the function of this protective membrane and thus endanger eye health

Why do yellow spots appear on the white part of the eye? In most cases This problem is associated with two pathologies: the pinguecula and pterygium. In Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We explain below why yellow spots appear in the eyes, symptoms and treatments. 

What are yellow spots on the eyes?

The yellow spots on the white part of the eye are small lumps that form on the inside of the eye that do not represent greater seriousness for the ocular structure, but must be examined to determine their cause and follow up. 

yellow spots in the eyes

Causes that cause them

In most cases the yellow spots on the eyes are related to two conditions, pinguecula and pterygium.

La pinguecula is a condition that occurs due to a change in conjunctiva, transparent membrane that covers the sclera, which transforms normal skin tissue into a fat, protein, or calcium deposit or bulge. The pinguecula is usually visible in the part of the eye that is closest to the nose. 

El pterygium is a abnormal growth of fleshy tissue that is formed in the conjunctiva and can extend to cornea.

Pinguecula and pterygium can be formed by various factors, such as: 

  • Syndrome Dry Eye
  • Exposure to ultraviolet rays without protection. 
  • Action of agents like him wind and dust.

Another less frequent reason of yellow spots in the eye is the xanthelasma, a benign yellow tumor that is made up of fat and can appear as a result of high cholesterol or constant episodes of stress. However, when talking about yellow spots on the sclera, it is almost always pinguecula or pterygium.


The main symptom of pinguecula and pterygium is the formation of yellow spots in the eyes, specifically in the sclera. In addition to this obvious injury, the following symptoms may occur:

  • Sensation of having sand or a foreign body inside the eye
  • Itching inside the eye. 
  • Redness eyepiece.
  • Irritation eyepiece. 
  • Eye sight problems as vision as vision or astigmatism.

How do you make the diagnostic 

To know the cause of the yellow spots on the white part of the eye it is necessary examine the ocular structure thoroughly. Usually after a ophthalmologic review routinely, the specialist can determine if the yellow spots are a product of pinguecula or pterygium or if it is another type of injury. 

To determine the extent of the yellow spots on the eye, the ophthalmologist will use a slit lamp. Rarely, a lesion caused by a pinguecula or pterygium extends to the cornea and causes vision damage such as astigmatism.

yellow spots on the eyes on the white side

Treatment of yellow spots on the white part of the eyes

Yellow spots on the eyes caused by pinguecula and pterygium are usually treated through the administration of eye drops and eye lubricants in drops. If the patient presents eye inflammation the ophthalmologist may prescribe the application of anti-inflammatory drugs In the eyes. 

You can also carry out a minor and outpatient surgery to remove yellow spots on the eyes. This procedure is considered an option when the spots represent a significant discomfort for the patient or are large enough to affect visual quality. 

They are dangerous?

Many patients with yellow spots on the eyes wonder if these lesions are a reason to worry, and the truth is that in most cases these spots are benign lumps that do not put vision or eye health at risk. 

However, the formation of these spots is a reason for assist the ophthalmologist, monitor said condition and prevent complications. Only an eye medicine expert can offer the proper treatment to remove yellow spots on the white part of the eye.

En Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We care about the eye health of all our patients. Do you have yellow spots on the sclera? Make an appointment with one of our specialists, your visual health will thank you. We will wait for you!  

Yellow spots on the eyes: should I worry?
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Yellow spots on the eyes: should I worry?
Yellow spots on the eyes look like bulges that form on the sclera, and are associated with heart problems and excess cholesterol in the blood.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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