Surely you have ever experienced that unexpected feeling of involuntary trembling that causes any of the Eyelids move intermittently and without apparent cause. You are probably not the only one wondering why I have a tic in my eye, as this event is much more common than is believed and in most cases it is so harmless that it usually disappears on its own after a few minutes .

Muscle spasms do not represent a sign of risk or danger, however you have to pay close attention when they occur constantly to assist the doctor, know the cause and be able to treat the tic in the eye. There are many answers to the question of why I have a tic in the eye? Y Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We explain them to you.

What are eye tics

Muscle spasms in medicine are known by the name of Blepharospasm, a term that encompasses any tremor originating in the eyelids. Muscle spasms are recognized because they happen suddenly and cause an involuntary movement of the eyelid that does not close the eye completely. It can also happen that a blepharospasm affects one eye repeatedly causing it to the eyelid moves rapidly until it almost closes and reopens.

This condition usually causes the following symptoms:

tic in the eye

types of tics

  • Contractions or tics: are the common blepharospasms, that eye tremor sudden and harmless to which we referred earlier and that when it happens fails to close the eye completely. It disappears with the passage of minutes and is usually associated with stress.
  • essential blepharospasm: This type of condition usually affects both eyes at the same time, causing repetitive closing and opening of the upper eyelids. This alteration can cause vision problems because the eyelids do close completely, likewise, those who suffer from it in the long run can also manifest spasms in the muscles of the mouth and neck. It is caused by abnormal impulses taking place in the brain.
  • Hemifacial spasm: affects the muscles of the eyelids and mouth on only one side of the face. In most cases it has its origin in the pressure of a nerve or artery of the face that can be improved with an injection of Botulinum toxin.

Causes of tics in the eye

The tics in the eye are usually triggered by stress, fatigue or excessive consumption of caffeine. When the spasm occurs for several consecutive days the cause is usually stress and usually disappears without the person even noticing.

When blepharospasm is benign essential and causes complete closure of the eye, it may also be caused by irritation of the cornea or by conjunctivitis. The conditions that produce tics in the eye are not strictly defined, they are usually more common when the person has been subjected to many nerves, anxiety, depression and stress.

The most common causes of these tremors are:

  • Dry eye or dry eye syndrome. In these cases the tremor may improve with the use of eye drops.
  • Consumption of stimulating substances such as caffeine, alcohol or energy drinks.
  • Use of glasses or contact lenses with an incorrect formula, usually old.
  • Nervous system disorders such as Parkinson's or psychiatric diseases.
  • Side effects of some drugs.

How to treat tics in the eyes

Although the question about why I have a tic in my eye can generate anguish due to the discomfort of the condition, in most cases this problem does not represent any type of health risk nor does it require treatment, since they usually disappear on their own. alone. In the event that the spasm is caused by a disease of the nervous system, it will improve with the appropriate treatment prescribed by a medical specialist.

The control of negative emotions such as anxiety and stress is vital to avoid the constant appearance of muscle spasms. If you suffer from anxiety or stress, it is advisable to look for leisure and relaxation activities that help combat the symptoms of these conditions, exercise and sharing with friends is of great help to dissipate negative emotions.

When a tic in the eye becomes constant, it is worth visiting the doctor immediately to find out the cause. Also, it is important to visit the specialist when:

  • The tic causes total closure of the eyelid.
  • Alterations in vision occur.
  • Ocular spasm occurs in both eyes, in the face or in the mouth.
  • Family history of diseases associated with eye spasms.
  • El eye is red, inflamed and secretes some substance.
  • The spasms started after starting to take some medication.
  • The tics haven't gone away in a week.
  • El upper eyelid is drooping.

En Área Oftalmológica Avanzada we have a specialized medical team to help diagnose this condition and ensure your visual and general health.

Why do I have a tic in my eye?
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Why do I have a tic in my eye?
Do you suffer from eye spasms? It is normal to ask yourself why I have a tic in the eye, that's why we respond to this doubt by clarifying its main causes.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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