La vision it can be defined as a set of skills that allow us to identify and interpret what we see. It is the most developed sense in the human being, through which we perceive most of the information of our environment. Therefore, it is logical to think that in the practice of any sport, the fact of having good visual skills is a determining factor in the general performance of the athlete.

vision for athletes

What is the sports vision?

La sports vision is responsible for evaluating, preserving and enhancing the visual function in order to improve sports performance.

In the sports action of seeing we can differentiate three phases:

Phase 1 - Perceptual: analysis of the situation. Information about the environment is collected through the senses. Among them, and very important, the vision.

Phase 2 - Decision making: mental solution of the problem

Phase 3 - Execution: motor response

Attending these phases highlights the importance of having an effective vision, as this is the first step to perform a motor action as accurate and appropriate as possible.

What improves the sports vision?

In practice Sports Several visual skills are involved. Each sport has specific abilities, but in general we can summarize that, to a greater or lesser degree, the main skills are:

Treatments for vision and sport

These visual skills can be trained with personalized programs of Visual Therapy. In these programs an initial evaluation of the patient is made, taking into account the sports specialty. After the results obtained, a personalized and monitored program is proposed with the aim of improving the overall performance of the athlete, acting on the skills that it is better to improve or reinforce.

Learn more about vision and sport

Sports vision: What is it?
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Sports vision: What is it?
Find out if you can improve your vision to practice sports. There are exercises for the eyes or we have to settle for what we see now.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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