In recent years our hours of exposure to electronic devices have multiplied as smartphones, tablets, computers, etc. The use of these screens is increasingly widespread, both at work and in our private lives.

vision and screens

This frequent and continuous use generates a high demand for our visual system and can cause Eye fatigue, visual stress or associated symptomatology. Even more so if factors like an uncorrected graduation come into play, a problem in the binocular vision (that is, that the two eyes are not used together) or motility (that the eyes do not move spontaneously and in a coordinated way), an alteration of the focus system or an ocular pathology. However, it is also possible that without ocular alterations or pathologies, excessive exposure to electronic devices is in itself a cause of visual fatigue.

La led light The white light emitted by electronic devices, which has great luminosity and is increasingly used, is characterized by an intense emission of blue region of the electromagnetic spectrum. This blue light corresponds to a short wavelength of high frequency and gives off great energy.

Although there are conflicting opinions, there are studies that document different injuries induced by this light. It is the case of people who suffer from age-related macular degeneration (disease that affects the taint of the eye and for which sharpness is lost in vision), whose experiments show that blue light can be harmful to retina. Similarly, blue light can influence the secretion of some hormones such as melatonin (which, among others, helps us sleep better) and can alter important physiological aspects such as circadian rhythms or the sleep / wake cycle.

There seem to be, therefore, possible risks to the usual exposure of blue light, which is why we should not be alarmist with the use of electronic devices, so established in our current society, although we should be cautious.

effects of blue light

From Área Oftalmológica Avanzada, we give you some preventive measures:

  • Use filters for blue light. Some are marketed that partially limit their transmission and that may be advisable for people who spend a lot of time in front of electronic devices.
  • Maintain adequate visual ergonomics. It is important to take care of aspects such as position, distance from the screen, ambient lighting and periodic breaks to minimize the effects of fatigue.
  • Get a periodic review at the ophthalmologist and the optometrist.

Eat foods rich in antioxidants, lutein and zeaxanthin, such as fruits and vegetables.

Luz azu: How to counteract the negative effects
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Luz azu: How to counteract the negative effects
Our hours have multiplied before electronic devices smartphones, tablets, tips to counteract the negative effects of blue light.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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