The excessive use of television, mobile phones and computers has caused more and more people to suffer from eye strain, visual fatigue and even tension in the eye muscles.

The truth is that having tired eyes is a very annoying symptom and, sometimes, it can interfere with the correct vision of the images. 

If you have recurrent eye fatigue, you should go to the ophthalmologist to do a complete study of the ocular structure, because although tired eyes are often the product of overexposure to digital screens, they are also a sign of the presence of refractive defects and myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism

Next, in Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We explain what the main causes of tired eyes are and we give you some tips to prevent visual fatigue. Keep reading!

tired eyes

Why do I have tired eyes?

Having tired eyes is suffering from that uncomfortable feeling of heaviness in Eyelids that forces us to overstrain ourselves to carry out daily tasks such as reading or driving at night.

In most cases, tired eyes occur as a result of having strained his eyes for a long time, either in front of a digital screen or to be able to see an image correctly.

If you have lived the experience of having tired eyes, you will surely know that it is a passing symptom and that, in general terms, it is enough to relax them for a few minutes to get some relief.

However, other times, tired eyes become a chronic symptom and that is when we must rule out the presence of certain disorders, such as presbyopia or refractive defects.

Visual Computer Syndrome (SVI), an increasingly common problem

Today, human beings are very used to living attached to a screen, be it on television, mobile, tablet or computer. Whether for work or leisure, it is true that electronic devices are we use them more and more in our lives. 

Unfortunately, overexposure to digital screens is a very negative factor for visual health that can lead to computer visual syndrome. The main causes of SVI are: 

  • El crystalline and ciliary body they make a lot of effort because they have to keep the focus concentrated in one place and at a specific distance for a long time.
  • The screens suggest a important level of concentration which makes the person blink less unconsciously. Decreased flicker causes eye dryness and irritation
  • Excessive exposure to blue light of the screens causes visual stress and causes eye problems.

If you work with the computer, it is recommended to do 10 minute breaks every two hours to rest your eyes. We also recommend massaging the eyelids gently, applying artificial tears to hydrate the eyes and blink frequently.

Causes of tired eyes

Tired eyes derive from a visual overstrain which may be accompanied by headache, Red eyes, sensitivity to light, double vision or blurred and excessive tearing. 

Why do the eyes get tired? Let's know the main causes:

  • Excessive workload, Stress y sleep problems
  • Straining your eyes for many hours sitting in front of the computer, reading in low light or using other electronic devices such as mobile phones and televisions for a long time. 
  • Vision defects that have not yet been diagnosed.
  • Wearing glasses and contact lenses with an incorrect prescription
  • Suffer squint.  

Tired eyesight or presbyopia and eyestrain, are they the same?

eye fatigue

Although eyestrain or presbyopia and eye fatigue have very similar symptoms, it is important to clarify that it is about different pathologies

La presbyopia is a vision defect causing difficulty in seeing correctly objects at close range. It is produced by the aging of the lens that, over the years, gradually loses its power of focus and permanent bases.

Most people begin to experience symptoms of Presbyopia or eyestrain from the 40 years of age. 

Furthermore, the tired eyes is a transient disorder What happens when you strain your eyes for a long time and in certain activity, such as reading, using the computer, driving or being in a place with low light. 

Also, when a person does not know that they need to wear glasses or contact lenses tends to strain your eyes, squint and tense eye muscles to better see the images. 

Tips to prevent tired eyes

Tired eyes can be prevented by practicing a series of simple actions. Some tips are: 

  • Having recurring tired eyes It may be an indication of a vision problem. It is important to go to the ophthalmologist to carry out a complete review of the ocular structure. 
  • Work or using digital screens in a natural light environment to avoid damage from fluorescent light.
  • Take work breaks every two hours. Get up from the chair, stretch your body, blink consciously and drink water. 
  • Apply artificial tears once a day to prevent ocular dryness
  • Perform visual training exercises to prevent eye strain. 
  • Check that your computer screen is at least 50 centimeters away from your eyes
  • Avoid the consumption of alcoholic beverages and tobacco
  • Remember that stress is a very negative emotiona which can interfere with your visual health causing blurred vision and tired eyes. Exercise and sleep 8 hours a day are actions that help combat stress episodes. 
  • Check the prescription of your glasses and contact lenses. It is also highly recommended to check that the graduation has not changed. 

Finally, remember that visiting the ophthalmologist once a year is essential to take care of the health of your eyes. If you haven't visited for more than a year, don't wait any longer and make an appointment with one of our experts. We will wait for you! 

Tired eyes? Causes, symptoms and how to prevent them
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Tired eyes? Causes, symptoms and how to prevent them
Find out what are the main causes of tired eyes and what actions you should take to prevent eyestrain.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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