Some eye diseases are usually silent but, when they manifest, they usually do so in a way that is detrimental to our health. For example, it may happen that a person who enjoys apparent visual health suddenly suffers a loss of vision.

However, although this is very rare, momentary vision loss is an indication of serious eye disease that requires urgent attention. Depending on its cause, sudden vision loss can be permanent or temporary. 

En Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We explain why you can suddenly lose your sight and how to act in this situation. 

sudden vision loss

What is sudden vision loss?

Vision loss momentary can occur suddenly or progressively over a couple of days. this symptom is the sign of a serious eye diseaseTherefore you should see an ophthalmologist immediately to perform an eye health review. 

When we talk about sudden vision loss in one eye, or both, we are referring only to when vision it clouds from one moment to the next.

Sudden vision loss should be distinguished from sudden vision loss that is accompanied with dizzinessWhich may be due to a possible low blood pressure, leg weakness, or fainting

Sudden loss of vision in the left eye

Loss of vision in one eye is called fleeting amaurosis and is usually caused by the lack of blood circulation in the retina

Amaurosis fugax or loss of vision in one eye es a disease but a momentary symptom of other disorders such as diabetes, alcoholism, cocaine use, migraines and brain tumor. 

What is this?

La sudden vision loss can be caused by various factors which are generally associated with the ocular structure.

For this reason, it is important to go to the ophthalmologist just at the moment when vision loss occurs. 

Among the latests Moravia's compositions main causes of sudden vision loss we find: 

Macular degeneration

La taint It is a tiny spot that is located in the center of the retina and is responsible for central vision.

Furthermore, the macular degeneration It is a degenerative disease associated with age that progressively affects the macula and is one of the main causes of vision loss in the world. 

Retinal detachment

El retinal detachment It is one of the most common causes of sudden vision loss..

The most common form of this disease is retinal detachment rhegmatogenous. This type of retinal detachment occurs when the break allows the passage of vitreous humor to the retinal area.

Generally, it is a pathology that can occur in both men and women and usually manifests between 40 and 70 years of age. However, It can also occur in young people with significant vision problems with a very high myopia

vitreous hemorrhage

Vitreous hemorrhage is a disorder that usually occurs as an event prior to retinal detachment.

Vitreous hemorrhage is characterized by the presence of blood in the vitreous cavity due to a scratch, trauma, or tear to the retina. Similarly, vitreous hemorrhage can severely affect vision.

Ischemic optic neuropathy

There are many types of optic neuropathies that cause sudden vision loss, although the most serious is ischemic optic neuropathy.

This disease is caused by a impaired circulation blood of the optic nerve and can cause loss of central vision, lateral vision or both at the same time.

La optic neuropathy Ischemic disease is associated with diseases such as arteriosclerosis, temporal arteritis, collagen problems, embolism, and diabetes mellitus. However, high blood pressure, smoking and high blood cholesterol are also risk factors.

Retinal vascular occlusions

All the Vascular occlusions in the retina occur when there is a blockage of the veins or arteries of the eye. Blockage of the ocular arteries cause sudden sudden vision loss it can affect all the campor visual or just a part. 

El glaucoma and d are the most common causes of retinal vascular occlusions. Depending on the origin of the occlusion, the patient may fully or partially recover his sight, although there is a high risk of permanent vision loss


La uveitis is the inflammation of any of the parts that make up the uvea Of the eye: ciliary body, iris y choroid.

This disease usually occurs from the Age 60 and its most common form is anterior uveitis or iritis, since it is a pathology that affects only and exclusively the iris.

What to do in case of sudden vision loss?

momentary loss of vision

Sudden vision loss in one or both eyes is considered a medical emergency that should be seen immediately by an eye specialist. Prompt attention will be key to saving the patient's sight. 

Once the patient is in the emergency room, the ophthalmologist must perform a full exam of both the eye and general health to determine what has been the trigger for vision loss.

The treatment of sudden vision loss will depend exclusively on the cause that has caused this symptom. Once the diagnosis has been obtained, it is very important start treatment right away to prevent permanent vision loss

Similarly, the best way to prevent vision loss caused by eye disease is to attend once a year to the ophthalmologist to make us a ophthalmologic review

Do you need an ophthalmologist? In Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We have the best eye health specialists in Barcelona. Make an appointment with us and leave your health in the hands of a professional. We will wait for you!


What to do in case of sudden vision loss?
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What to do in case of sudden vision loss?
Find out what to do in the face of sudden vision loss and what its causes are.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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