When a sudden ocular inflammation appears and without having suffered any trauma, it is normal to immediately ask ourselves what are the swollen eye causes and how to treat it.

The first thing we should know is that this condition can be due to both eye diseases and other pathologies that, although not directly related to our eyes, can affect them.

To clarify this doubt, in Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We explain in detail the causes of a swollen eye and which specialist to go to when this discomfort occurs.

swollen eye

Puffy eyelids and puffy eyes: are they the same?

Many times, inflamed eyes are accompanied by Eyelids swollen. When this occurs, the swollen eyelid causes and puffy eye causes are exactly the same. 

Eyelid swelling occurs when there is fluid buildup in the tissue lining the eyes. Also, puffy eyes may not be painful and often affect both the lower eyelids as well as superiors.

Why are the eyes inflamed?

Many people wonder why the eyes are inflamed. Given this, it must be said that there is no single cause for swelling. swollen eyes may be due to various eye diseases like styes, viral or bacterial conjunctivitis, infections, allergic processes and Blepharitis

When eyelid swelling is accompanied by other symptoms, it is important go immediately to the ophthalmologist to determine its cause and start treating the disease as soon as possible. 

Most of the time puffy eyes are a passing symptom. However, other times can be the cause of more serious conditions and Blepharitis. Hence the importance of an early diagnosis.

All the most common causes of eye inflammation are:


The bacteria that cause blepharitis are often the product of accumulation of cosmetics and makeup on the edge of the eyelids. To prevent it, it is important to maintain adequate eyelid hygiene, daily cleaning the edge of the eyelids with special wet wipes for the eyes. 

Correctly removing makeup is important to prevent blepharitis or avoid its outbreaks. When this condition is causing very bothersome symptoms, you can opt for apply warm and cold compresses for relief and improve inflamed eyes. Sometimes it is necessary to use antibiotic ointments if you have developed an infection in the eye structure. 


Un chalazion can often be mistaken for a stye. To differentiate both protuberances, it is important to know that the styes they are very painful and look very similar to a pimple. In contrast, the chalazion it is a kind of small cyst, who cause no pain by touching them and do not have a white point in the center of its circumference. 

Viral or bacterial conjunctivitis

La conjunctivitis It is an infection of the anterior area of ​​the eyes that can be caused by a virus or bacteria. Both the viral conjunctivitis and bacterial are common causes of swollen eyelids and must be treated immediately to prevent complications in the ocular system. 

La conjunctivitis can also be allergic. This happens when the eye comes into direct contact with an allergen, such as pollen or mites. In this case, it is necessary to treat the inflammation of the eyelids with antihistamine eye drops, prescribed by a medical specialist. 

When conjunctivitis is infectious, it is necessary give antibiotic eye drops. It is important to correctly treat this infection to prevent bacteria and pathogens from spreading to the interior of the eye and conjunctivitis from becoming a chronic problem. 


El orzuelo is a very common eye condition and one of the main causes of puffy eyes. It is a bump that forms on the edge of the eyelid, right on the line where the eyelids grow. tabs

The stye is painful and looks similar to a pimple or blackhead. These balls usually form due to plugging of a meibomian gland. Let us remember that these glands are located on the edge of the eyelid and are responsible for producing the lipid component of the tear film

When a meibomian gland becomes clogged, not only does the eyelid swell, but a series of bacteria accumulate inside leading to the formation of a stye. 

The stye, despite being such an annoying condition, does not pose any danger to eye health. In fact, it usually disappears on its own with the passing of days. It is important to bear in mind that if a stye remains intact for more than 10 days, it is necessary to go to an ophthalmological consultation.  

Other causes of the swollen eye

  • Have a bad night It is also a common cause of puffy eyes. When we do not sleep the necessary hours, fluid retention occurs in the body, which can be very evident on the eyelids. 
  • Circulatory problems and poor hydration They can cause inflammation of the eyes and eyelids. 
  • All the allergies They can affect various parts of the body as well as the ocular structure. These cause inflammation of the upper eyelids and less than a few minutes after the eye has come into contact with an allergen, such as pollen. 
  • Over the years, the skin of everything the body loses elastin and collagen, substances responsible for the elasticity and tone of the tissue. The decrease in these substances in aging it can generate the formation of balls in the eyes.
  • Other conditions that are related to puffy eyes are: liver diseases such as Crohn's disease, autoimmune conditions such as Graves' disease, hyperthyroidism, crying for many hours or excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, among others. 
swollen eyes, eyes swollen, eye swollen
Puffy eyes affect all ages and genders equally

I have one eye swollen and the other is not, what do I do?

There are patients who come to our consultation with a swollen eye and the other not. This situation it's totally normal and can be caused by any of the conditions listed above.

It is important to understand that eye swelling is a symptom that It may be unilateral or bilateral. Each ocular structure can react differently to various external agents, which is why It should not surprise us if one eye is swollen and the other is not.

Now, the fact that only one eye is presenting certain symptoms is not a reason not to go to the doctor. Any discomfort unilaterally or bilaterally affecting eye health must be checked by an ophthalmologist.

Treatment for eye inflammation

The treatment of eye inflammation depends exclusively on the cause that is causing the swelling. Therefore, the main thing is go to the ophthalmologist for check eye structures and get a diagnosis

Treatment of eye inflammation, depending on its cause, you can consider the following options

  • Application of warm compresses on the eyelids to decrease inflammation caused by styes and chalazions.  
  • Antibiotic eye drops to treat eye infections such as bacterial conjunctivitis or chronic blepharitis infectious. 
  • Sometimes it may be necessary to perform a minor surgical intervention to eliminate a chalazion. 

How to prevent puffy eyes?

Puffy eyes are often caused by bad hygiene habits that we can optimize to prevent these infections, such as bacterial conjunctivitis. 

Therefore, we recommend the following guidelines for proper hygiene of eyes:

  • Wash your hands several times a day with antibacterial soap. For washing to be effective, you must rinse your hands for more than 30 seconds. 
  • Don't touch your eyes with dirty hands. 
  • La cleaning your eyelids it is important to prevent infections and chronic diseases such as blepharitis. One way to prevent it is by cleaning your eyelids daily with special eye wipes. You can get these pads at pharmacies and they are available over the counter without a prescription. 
  • Clean your makeup every night to prevent the accumulation of bacteria on the edge of the eyelids and in the sebaceous glands. 
  • Rinse your face and eyes in the morning and at night using a facial soap. 
  • Do not loan items for personal use such as cosmetics, makeup, towels and pillows. 
  • Clean and disinfect your lenses and its case before and after using the contact lenses
  • Don't sleep with contact lenses put on. 
  • Attend yearly eye examinations routine. 

En Área Oftalmológica Avanzada we have a ampA team of ophthalmological specialists who will help you maintain your eye health. Visit us and find out for yourself.

Swollen eye
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Swollen eye
Viral and bacterial conjunctivitis or styes are some of the most common causes of puffy eyes.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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