The onset of eye spots or campor visual It is a very common reason to visit the ophthalmologist. Sometimes the spots can be seen in the sclera, the white part of the eye, or appear in sight as a kind of strange elements that seem to float in front of us.

The presence of eye spots is a symptom what is associated to various eye diseases and different factors such as edad or the Sun exposure. When a patient has eye spots, the first thing the ophthalmologist should do is determine if these spots are in the campor visual of the person or can be seen outside of eye structure

Why do eye spots appear? There is no single answer to this question, because the cause of this condition depends exclusively on the type of spot and its location.

En Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We explain why these spots appear in the eyes and when you should see a doctor.

eye spots

Why do eye spots appear?

The causes of the spots in the eyes are diverse, since this symptom is associated with different conditions. However, in most cases, pigmentations that may appear in the eye or in the campor visual are temporary and benign disorders They do not usually affect eye health.

As we age, the ocular structure, like the rest of the human body, goes through a degeneration process that can produce eye spots.

In addition to age, there are other factors that are related with the appearance of eye spots such as diseases, accidents or simply poor eye hygiene. Let's know which are the most common:

There are many types of eye spots that may vary according to your crafts, color and area where they are. For this reason, it is important to go to the ophthalmologist whenever an eye spot is detected, because although most spots are harmless, it is important Know your cause to get a diagnosis.

The causes of eye spots can be very diverse and, to cover all, it is necessary to know the types of eye spots that can be presented to know what is the cause of each condition.

The types of eye spots that can be found are:

Black spots

The onset of black spots or shadows in the campor visual is known by the name of myodesopsies, and almost all people have experienced them at least once in a lifetime. These spots are shadows that are projected on the retina, product of condensation or irregularities in the composition of the vitreous humor.

The vitreous humor is a gelatinous liquid that is in the ocular structure and fills the space between the retina and the crystalline. These spots are harmless, may disappear on their own and are related to the high myopia, aging and diabetes

Associated with black spots in the eye, some people may observe dark spots or freckles on the iris.

This symptom is associated with unprotected sun exposure. In the same way that the skin is damaged by sunburn, the ocular structure can also be affected if sunglasses with the appropriate filter are not used. 

Freckles in the iris they are caused by excessive exposure to the outdoors without adequate eye protection from radiation.

Although these spots are initially considered harmless, it is important to know that they represent a symptom as a risk factor for diseases such as the cataracts or the macular degeneration

Yellow spots

All the yellow spots in the eyes They are the product of an abnormality that occurs in the sclera, and it is associated with two conditions: pinguecula y pterygium. Both pathologies are closely related, but one of the main differences between the pinguecula and the pterygium is that the perigion grows oval, elongated or triangular and can be larger than the pinguecula.


La pinguecula It appears as a stain or lump that appears on the conjunctiva, the white tissue of the eye. This usually appears on the nasal side of the eye structure and is due to a change that materializes in the conjunctiva, which is made up of proteins, calcium and fats.

Currently, the exact cause that causes the pinguecula is unknown, however, this condition is associated with the syndrome of Dry Eye and sun exposure without protection.

The use of artificial tears and anti-inflammatory eye drops help treat this condition. When the inconvenience caused by the Dry Eye are serious, the dry eye treatment with Pulsed light as Thermaeye plus.


Another cause of yellow spots on the eyes is the appearance of pterygium. The pterygium is a fleshy bump that forms from a pinguecula and can extend to the cornea

eye spot

Red spots

All the Red spots in the eyes may appear for different non-serious reasons, such as a sclera irritation. However, on other occasions, may be due to major complications. For this reason, it is important to visit the ophthalmologist whenever red spots are observed in the eyes. 

A very common reason for red spots on the eyes are the eye hemorrhages. This pathology can be caused by a rupture of capillaries, eye trauma or hypertension, among others. The red spot in the eye caused by ocular hemorrhage is a consequence of the accumulation of blood in the sclera.

Addressing spills in time is very important to preserve vision and avoid permanent damage. 

White spots

The growth of fibrous tissue in the conjunctiva towards the cornea forms a whitish and vascular spot that is known as pterygium.

This condition usually appears on the nasal side of the eye, very close to the tear, and can alter corneal transparency. 

The causes of pterygium are usually excessive sun exposure without protection and chronic conjunctival inflammation.

To treat this condition, it is recommended to remove the tissue through minor surgery and place a graft removed from the patient's conjunctiva. 

Among the latests Moravia's compositions white eye spots in the eye, we also find the white spots on the pupil. These lesions may appear for various reasons, although the most common are:

White spots on the eyes is a symptom that should be examined immediately by an ophthalmologist. 

Blue spots

Blue spots on the eyes are considered pigmentary lesions that can be caused by different reasons, from the increased melanocytes in the sclera to more complicated diseases.

Among the possible causes of blue spots on the eyes are:

  • Grouping of sclera melanocytes.
  • La imperfect osteogenesis, a hereditary disease that affects collagen tissue. 70% of people suffering from this disease have blue spots on the sclera. 
  •  Ehlers-Danlos syndrome or hyperalastic complexion that alters the collagen and causes blue spots in the eyes. 

Gray spots

There are spots on the eyes that can be bluish gray. This is due to an abnormal increase in melanocyte composition of the sclera.

These spots are harmless and do not require treatment. However, it is important to examine the gray spots on the eyes, as they can also be caused by a congenital and dangerous disease that, little by little, can thin the sclera.


Vitreous humor is a clear, gelatinous-textured liquid found in the posterior chamber of the eye. It is formed during the embryonic stage and is never renewed again, therefore, it degenerates little by little over the years. 

Many people go to the ophthalmologist because they say they see flying flies in the Campor visual. These transparent spots they are the product of the accumulation of waste in the vitreous humor, which shade the retina when light enters the eyeball, thus reflecting spots or flying flies in our campor visual. These spots can be in the form of lines, circles, dots, or cobwebs. 

The cause of flying flies in the campor visual is because the vitreous humor, being a substance that does not regenerate throughout life, any change or accumulation inside of external agents can cause these spots usually harmless to vision. 

In most cases, floating spots appear on their own and, although they can appear and disappear, they do not usually pose a serious problem for vision beyond the discomforts they may cause.

To eliminate floating spots, we use laser technology and, in very advanced cases, a surgery known as vitrectomy.

Are eye spots dangerous?

yellow spots in the eyes

The severity of eye spots Depends solely on its cause.. Therefore, it is very important to go to ophthalmologist whenever any change in the ocular structure is observed.

A timely diagnosis can even stop a retinal detachment In development process. 

In most cases, eye spots are harmless lesions that sometimes do not require treatment, but disappear by themselves. In fact, most eye spots are not considered a health risk problem for the visual system

Do you have eye spots? In Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We have the best team of ophthalmologists in Barcelona, ​​get in touch with us and schedule your appointment as soon as possible. Remember that the best diagnosis is the one made on time. We will wait for you! 

I have eye spots, why do they occur?
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I have eye spots, why do they occur? 
The appearance of eye spots occurs due to multiple factors depending on their type. Find out when you should go to the ophthalmologist.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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