Diplopia is an alteration that causes double vision of images. Contrary to what most people think, it is not a disease, but a symptom that is related to various eye and systemic conditions. 

Diplopia can be monocular and binocular. In both cases, it can be caused by serious conditions or be caused by minor problems, such as astigmatism. In any case, when a person has double vision, it is important to see an ophthalmologist immediately. 

En Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We explain what diplopia is, its causes and treatment.  

double vision neurological causes

What is diplopia?

Diplopia or double vision is an alteration of the visual system that occurs when a person sees two images of the same object. This condition occurs when an illness, event, blow or eye defect interferes with the transmission of light from the outside to the retina and to the brain. 


diplopia can be horizontal, vertical or oblique, depending on how the images are superimposed on the patient's vision: 

  • Horizontal: Overlapping images are next to each other. 
  • Vertical: The overlaid images are one on top of the other.
  • Oblique: Overlapping images are diagonal. 

What types of diplopia are there?

There are two types of diplopia: 

  • Monocular diplopia: This type of double vision affects only one eye. When the person has monocular diplopia, the double vision of images disappears when covering the affected eye with a hand. It is usually associated with visual defectssuch as astigmatism or Cataracts
  • Binocular diplopia: is the one that affects both eyes. In patients with binocular double vision, the symptom disappears when either eye is closed. This is less common than monocular and is usually related to disorders of the nervous system. 

Why do you suffer from double vision? The causes of diplopia are very diverse. This symptom may be caused by vision defects, such as cataracts, or systemic diseases, such as diabetes


Among the latests Moravia's compositions causes of diplopia we will differentiate those that produce monocular and binocular double vision.

All the causes monocular diplopia are: 

  • Eye disorders such as refractive errors. It may also happen that the patient has prescription problems, that is, that his glasses do not have the necessary correction to compensate for her vision.
  • All the Cataracts are a common cause of monocular diplopia. This condition occurs when the crystalline of the eye loses its transparency and becomes opaque. Lens opacity is also one of the most common causes of blurred vision
  • All the diseases of the cornea and the opacity of this tissue can cause double vision of the images. 
  • Certain retinal abnormalities, As the epiretinal membranes that grow on the retina, can cause monocular diplopia. 

All the causes of binocular diplopia They may be: 

  • El squint It is one of the main causes of binocular diplopia. This condition can be present from childhood and decompensate in adulthood.
  • neurological alterations such as total or partial paralysis of the intracranial nerves. These nerves are involved in the transmission of visual information.
  • Problems in the neuromuscular junction, which refers to the junction between the nerve and the muscle. One of these problems may be a disease known as myasthenia gravis.  
  • Other diseases such as hyperthyroidism, muscle disorders and diabetes mellitus can affect various parts of the ocular system and cause double vision. 
double letters

Risk factors in the appearance of diplopia

strabismus is one of the diseases that is most related to the double vision of images. When this condition is in the process of being established, it usually causes diplopia due to temporary moments of visual decompensation. 

However, the visual deviations caused by strabismus during childhood, are corrected by the brain over the years. This prevents double vision from occurring, even in adulthood. 


As you may have noticed, diplopia is a symptom that can be caused by various conditions. For this reason, we always advise go to one ophthalmologic review at the first symptoms of double vision

To diagnose the cause of diplopia, it is necessary study the ocular structure and perform the following tests

  • Study of the ocular motility: analyze the patient's ability to perform coordinated eye movements. This test helps detect if there is any paralyzed or overactive eye muscle. 
  • All the test of orthoptics they are made to measure sight in all its positions. 
  • They are also made supplementary tests that may include: general analysis, hormonal tests and imaging tests, such as tomographies or resonances.  
  • If the ophthalmologist suspects a muscle disease, he may indicate the performance of a electromyogram


El treatment of diplopia It depends exclusively on the cause that is causing this symptom.. Among the most common options to treat double vision of images we find: 

  • The treatment by prisms it has turned out to be an excellent tool to combat double vision in some patients. Let us remember that they are crystals that are placed in the glasses and help to move the image that is causing the diplopia to its correct place. People with a very high degree of deviation cannot opt ​​for its use for diplopia. 
  • La visual therapy It is also very helpful in strengthening eye muscles and combat the deviation of the axes. It is made up of a series of eye exercises that the patient can do at home for as long as the doctor deems appropriate. 
  • When neither the prisms nor the visual therapy is sufficient, the most indicated treatment for diplopia is surgery. This procedure aims to weaken or strengthen the eye muscles to achieve correct visual alignment. It is carried out on an outpatient basis and under the effects of topical anesthesia and sedation. 

En Área Oftalmológica Avanzada we are experts in the diagnosis and treatment of diplopia. Contact us if you need an eye exam. We will be happy to assist you!

What is diplopia? If you see double, you are interested
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What is diplopia? If you see double, you are interested
Diplopia is an alteration of the visual system that occurs when a person sees two images of the same object.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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