La sclera of the eye is a membrane that extends from the cornea until optic nerve, and acts as a protective barrier for the entire ocular structure.

The sclera is known as the white part of the eye, due to its whitish and opaque color that indicates that the tissue is in perfect health. 

Sometimes the color of the sclera can be altered by the formation of a brown spot in the eye. This is associated with benign pathologies that do not represent a greater risk for ocular and visual health.

Why do they appear brown spots in the eyes? In Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We explain what are the main causes of a brown spot on the white part of the eye. 

What is a brown spot on the eye? 

brown spot in the eye

When a brown spot appears on the white part of the eye, it is usually a excess iron in the organism

In most cases, this circumstance is passing and the stain disappears on its own No need for treatment. 

Why do these spots appear? 

As we have mentioned, the main cause of brown spots on the eyes is increased iron in the body.

However, there are other diseases and injuries that are associated with the formation of brown spots on the eyes. These are the most important: 

Primary Acquired Melanosis (MAP)

These are the changes that occur in the sclera pigmentation over the years. These spots are more common in elderly or very old people.

It's recommended that be evaluated by an ophthalmologist, because, sometimes, they can mutate and turn into malignant lesions

Conjunctival nevus 

The conjunctival nevus consist of benign tumors very common that develop during the first decade of life. 

Consumption of certain medications 

Sometimes the brown spot in the eye is caused by medication intake systemic or topical. Epinephrine eye drops can darken the white part of the eye. 

Other causes

The hormonal changes, especially during pregnancy, can cause changes in the color of the skin and sclera.

Pigmentation changes may also occur. conjunctiva because of a ocular melanoma, a very rare type of malignant tumor.

Brown spots may appear in the eyes due to hepatitis, prolonged use of digital screens, excessive and unprotected sun exposure, poor eating habits or a lack of vitamins.

Can brown spots on the eye be dangerous? 

brown spot on left eye

A brown spot in the eye is mostly associated with causes benign They do not represent any risk to health.

In most cases, the brown spot in the eye is a consequence of edad or an irregular increase in the concentration of iron of the organism. 

Whenever there is evidence of any change in the pigmentation of the eye, it is important to go to the ophthalmologist to evaluate the entire ocular structure and rule out any risk factors.

The brown spot should be analyzed and check that it is not a disease of the sclera or another structure of the eyeball. 

Some diseases such as herpes, tuberculosis or toxoplasmosis, can cause sclerosis, a very delicate inflammation of the sclera that can compromise vision. 

Likewise, it is also important to pay close attention to the formation of white spots, Red: yellowish, since they are usually associated with other diseases. Therefore, whenever there is any change in the ocular structure, it is important to go immediately to the ophthalmologist.

En Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We know how important vision is to each and every one of our patients. If you have witnessed any type of brown spot in the eye, make an appointment with one of our specialists and leave your health in the hands of a professional. We are happy to help you!

Brown spot in the eye: is it serious?
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Brown spot in the eye: is it serious?
Discover with Área Oftalmológica Avanzada what does a brown spot on the eye mean and what are its causes.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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