Anxiety is a very common problem in today's society, and more and more people are seeing their quality of life affected by this annoying disease.

Many people believe that anxiety manifests and exclusively affects emotional stability. However, the truth is that this pathology can cause behavioral, social, cognitive and physiological symptoms. 

Blurred vision and anxiety are two factors that often go hand in hand. At first, patients often have difficulty accepting that their vision problems stem from an undiagnosed anxiety disorder.

Once the diagnosis is accepted, it becomes easier to understand why anxiety is causing blurred vision and, most likely, other physiological symptoms. 

What is the relationship between blurred vision and anxiety? In Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We tell you everything you need to know. Keep reading!

blurred vision anxiety

What is anxiety?

Anxiety is a Defense mechanism It activates the brain in risky situations so that the person is alert and can act to stay safe.

The problem arises when the brain tonsil It begins to constantly send warning signals, causing anxiety to become a constant disorder that affects people's quality of life. 

When anxiety is activated, it puts the entire human body on alert, causing a series of various symptoms that may vary depending on the person.

The physical symptoms of anxiety can manifest themselves anywhere in the body, and the visual system is no exception. 

Relationship between blurred vision and anxiety

During an anxiety episode, various disorders occur that can lead to blurred vision. Let's know why this close relationship between blurred vision and anxiety: 

  • Anxiety can raise blood glucose levels and affect the circulation and chemical production of the brain. All this can cause temporary blurred vision, that is, it disappears when the crisis is over. 
  • When you have anxiety, adrenaline production is increased. This neurotransmitter causes the pupils dilate and it stimulates a greater entrance of light in the ocular structure. Also, it causes focus problems that can cause blurred vision. 
  • An anxiety crisis supposes a great waste of energy for the human being. When the crisis ends, exhaustion may be accompanied by blurred vision
  • Anxiety can also cause other visual problems like double vision o ocular pain caused by excess muscle tension

Blurred vision from anxiety, one of its symptoms

La blurred vision is one of the most common symptoms that a person will notice during an anxiety crisis. However, this disease can manifest itself causing discomfort in other parts of the body:

  • Palpitations and increased heart rate
  • Choking sensation, deep, shaky breaths.
  • Feeling of tightness in the chest and stomach
  • Chills and sweat.
  • Nausea, abdominal discomfort and nerves in the stomach
  • Dizziness from anxiety and tremors.
  • Burning sensation in the head.

How to cure vision disturbances due to anxiety?

dizziness from anxiety

The treatment of blurred vision due to anxiety consists of treating anxiety as a triggering disease and for this it will be necessary to resort to the psychological therapy and meditation.

Therapy is the part of the treatment that will offer the patient the necessary tools to face anxiety without the help of drugs, identify what are the triggers of crisis and reduce behaviors related to the disorder. 

However, in most cases, the intake of drugs is necessary to be able to control anxiety attacks. These are sold with a prescription and must be prescribed by a specialist in psychiatry.

Remember that, in general, the consumption of medications should not be excessively prolonged in time, since they can cause addiction and worsen medical condition the patient. 

On the other hand, visual disturbances caused by anxiety do not require treatment, since they are temporary symptoms that appear during alert states and then disappear on their own

Once the anxiety is overcome, does the sight return to normal?

Medical treatment for anxiety can usually take time up to 15 days to start taking effect. When the patient is calm again, the visual problems disappear and the sight becomes normal. 

Anxiety is one of the factors that can negatively affect the increase in blood pressure, and consequently we can think that just as blood pressure can rise, it can also raise intraocular pressure (IOP)

These constantly elevated IOP levels are considered a risk factor for glaucoma, a disease that causes the deterioration of the optic nerve and that can compromise vision.

However, the increase in IOP is usually due to a problem in the eye drainage system, so that the Intraocular pressure does not rise in tandem with blood pressure. For this reason, anxiety should not be considered a risk factor for glaucoma.

Although there is blurred vision from anxiety, dizziness from anxiety and even double vision, all these symptoms are somatizations of the organism before an alert crisis. Once the anxiety attack has been controlled, all the physiological symptoms usually disappear.  

En Área Oftalmológica Avanzada we are experts in the treatment of blurred vision and anxiety. If you think that your vision is affected by an excess of nerves, do not hesitate to contact us. We will assist you in everything you need!

Blurred vision and anxiety. All you have to know
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Blurred vision and anxiety. All you have to know
Did you know that there is a close relationship between blurred vision and anxiety? We give you the keys to prevent this annoying disorder.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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